Chilean Architecture

Capital Santiago

Language Spanish

Area 756,096.3 km2

Population 18,006,407

Chile's architecture ranges from a traditional colonial aesthetic to contemporary modern architecture as it traverses the variety of landscapes that make up the South American country. Chilean architecture and chilean architects have continued to define their place in contemporary architecture, with firms such as Alejandro Aravena and Pezo von Ellrichshausen garnering global attention and awards. This list of projects, news, and interviews delves into the intersections of geographies and styles that make up the chilean architectural identity.
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Latest projects in Chile

Latest news in Chile

How to Use Wood in Outdoor Installations: Case Studies in Natural Environments of Latin America

Spanning over 20 million square kilometers and featuring nearly all the climates of the world, the Latin American region is home to endemic biological wealth and geographical diversity that ranges from some of the most significant rivers in the world to the mountain range of the Andes, the Amazon rainforests, the plains of Patagonia, the coasts of the Caribbean Sea, and more. In light of a collective effort involving local communities and new generations, the construction of installations and structures in these natural environments is aimed not only at meeting functional needs but also at educational, research, and environmental conservation purposes.

CONSTRUCTO Reveals Nomadic Chile Pavilion for Expo 2025 Osaka

The Chile Pavilion, recently revealed by Constructo Architects for Expo Osaka 2025, blends contemporary industrial design and traditional Mapuche textile artistry. Constructed using industrialized wood (CLT) and featuring handwoven textiles, the pavilion emphasizes both innovation and cultural heritage. The structure is designed to be a "nomadic pavilion," easily assembled and disassembled, allowing it to travel from Chile to Japan and back.

The New Stone Age: 12 Contemporary Houses in Latin America and the Diversity of Their Natural Stones

Latin American architecture is rich and diverse. This is reflected in the various stones used across different regions over the centuries. These materials highlight the varied geology of Latin America and illustrate how local cultures have adapted their construction methods to natural conditions, resulting in unique and meaningful architecture. In contemporary architecture, stone aligns with sustainability principles due to its durability, low carbon footprint, and local availability. Additionally, stone's aesthetic appeal enhances the creation of timeless spaces that strengthen the connection with nature and the surrounding landscape.

Material Honesty and Integration with the Landscape: 12 Houses in Chile Where Wood Takes Center Stage

The use of wood in Chilean house construction reflects the utilization of a renewable resource available in the country. Moreover, it can be an extremely sustainable material when produced and processed under certain conditions, as it can have a very low carbon footprint. It is characterized by its warmth, resistance, and durability as a construction system.

A Look into His Interdisciplinary Creative Universe: Get to Know the Works of Iván Bravo

It is fascinating to delve into the practice of Iván Bravo, firstly because the path taken towards his architectural work immerses us in a vast creative universe through the architect's interest and curiosity in various tangential disciplines directly reflected in his built work. A constant reflection on the methodology of the making, the processes, the pieces, the design, and the materiality converges into a noble and honest architecture.

"Architecture Aims to Give Order to the Territory and Habitability to the Environment": In Conversation with Tomás Bravo

Tomás Bravo has been selected to be part of the ArchDaily's 2024 Best New Practices, highlighting his work about the dialogue between architecture and territory, and the use of advanced technologies to analyze nature and heritage through a process that involves a project in itself. Originating from Chile's diverse and complex geography, he proposes using classical architectural representation in combination with technological tools and measurement methodologies to bring the territory and heritage closer to architecture professionals and their clients.

The Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize Announces 2024 MCHAP Emerging and Outstanding Projects

The Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize (MCHAP) at the College of Architecture at Illinois Institute of Technology has announced the shortlist of 53 Outstanding projects. The 5th cycle of awards celebrates built works completed in North, Central, and South America in 2022 and 2023, striving to bring visibility to those projects that best address the demands of our time and work towards building resilient communities.

Land as Raw Material: Latin American Homes Built With Locally Sourced Soil

Organizing, shaping, stacking. Transforming raw materials from the soil into architecture. This is a challenge that many Latin American architects embrace, demonstrating that scarcity can be daunting but also a rich opportunity to unleash creativity.

Wooden Interiors: 10 Cabins Bringing Warmth in Mexico, Brazil, Chile, and More

Acquiring diverse expressive possibilities within interior design, the use of wood in regions with a wide range of climates and temperatures such as Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, or Ecuador enables the creation of attractive and captivating spaces that capture the attention of their users by contrasting, blending, or integrating with their surrounding environment. Being a natural element and presenting a negative carbon footprint at the end of its life cycle, wood offers multiple finishes, textures, and tones that can be associated with being outdoors and providing, on some occasions, spaciousness, warmth, and relaxation at the same time.

Architectural Modules: Implementation and Adaptability in the Latin American Landscape

How can industrialization and environmental responsibility go hand in hand? What siting, technological, or constructive strategies can be developed without harming the surrounding landscape? The application of modular design in architecture has been in practice for years, with a history involving the pursuit of standardization and modular coordination among materials, products, and more. Over time, it has been complemented by various environmental, sustainable, ecological, and economic factors to achieve the adaptability and functionality desired by its inhabitants.