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Bathrooms Made of Modular Components: Minimalist Aesthetics and Functionality

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Bathroom accessories serve various functions, especially when it comes to hygiene, organization and practicality. Previously thought of as purely functional components, designed only to perform their intended use, today they are seen as compositional tools that contribute to the overall aesthetics of a bathroom. Careful consideration in the choice of pieces makes it possible to create a functional and pleasant space. As bathroom accessories have become more advanced and complex, designers have begun to explore the potential of incorporating aesthetic elements into their design, resulting in creating smarter, safer, and more beautiful accessories.

Moving away from the decorative and ornate approaches of the past, contemporary designs now seek minimalism and more simplified aesthetics –clean lines, essential elements, with a focus on geometric shapes and a well thought out color palette. This approach has been particularly successful in creating sophisticated spaces, but also in providing a sense of space and openness in smaller bathrooms, where the absence of clutter and unnecessary decoration can make the room seem more spacious.

Circular Economy in Latin American Housing: 12 Examples of Reuse of Materials

Although the circular economy involves other principles such as the regeneration of natural systems, the reuse or recycling of materials plays an important role in contributing to the reduction of waste generation by giving a second useful life to elements that could be considered waste. Wood, metal sheets, bricks, and stones, among others, can be reused, bringing sustainability and efficiency criteria to the projects, helping to consolidate this concept that still has a long way to go.

Within the Latin American territory, many architecture professionals have proposed to apply in their design and construction processes the implementation of strategies that collaborate with the use of resources, either by reusing, recycling, or restoring different materials and elements in search of satisfying the needs and concerns of those who inhabit the spaces.

Beyond Brightness: The Art of Lighting in 20 South Korean Commercial Spaces

A rising number of studies suggest that well-considered lighting affects and boosts consumer behavior. Add to that the new Instagramability and promotional requirements, and the role of lighting becomes pivotal to achieving a filtered and commercially appealing visual. The latter has encouraged the implementation of new technology lighting panels and fixtures that offer a range of colors and dimmability, modifying the mood and even the overall color palette of a space. The results are some fun, sometimes almost cartoonish, settings that suggest the best backdrops and inviting venues.

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Arquitectonica and Its Latin American Contribution to Modernism

This article was originally published on Common Edge.

Arquitectonica has refuted Koolhaas’ accusation that “Modern architecture had never achieved the promised alchemy of quantity and quality,” and Alistair Gordon’s enormous compendium of the firm’s work certainly disproves it.

But what of Rossi’s backhanded praise: “In America … quantity is quality!”? Although absolutely deserving of praise, the quantity of the work is not the basis for Arquitectonica’s achievement—even when associated with the virtuosity of design. The importance of Arquitectonica derives from certain specific contributions to modern architecture in the United States.

Red Architecture: Highlighting Contemporary Designs

While colors can accentuate architectural designs, there is no single color that is "best". The choice depends on the style and purpose of the architecture, as well as the effect you want to create. However, colors that contrast with predominant tones can help highlight important details - and yes: red tones here can create an intense visual contrast.

Hazard-Proof Fabrics for Interior Design: Repellent, Acoustic and Fireproof

Beyond their features in the world of fashion, fabrics can also be an essential part of an interior design’s creative possibilities. While enhancing the aesthetic appeal of a space, these versatile materials –made from fibers or yarn that have been interlaced, knitted, or bonded together– also provide functionality to space. As part of a holistic architectural strategy, these natural and synthetic elements are essential for designing upholstery for furniture, curtains and drapes, space divisions and wall coverings. Changing the traditional notion of fabrics –known as stain collectors, bug homes and easily catching fire– the latest design innovations are exploring properties which take the use of fabrics one step further. Diving into Architonic’s fabric catalog, we take a look at different products with distinctive acoustic, fireproof and repellent properties.

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Exploring Façade Cladding Systems in Modern Architecture

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Besides providing external protection, natural ventilation, insulation and energy efficiency, the presence of façades enhances the building’s personality and character. Among the different types of façade systems, cladding strategies stand out for their variety of materials and textures –such as metal, glass, stone, wood and composite– all of which build durable, low-maintenance and visually appealing structures. Innovating with textures, forms and technologies, BŌK Modern has developed different metal panels for creating functional and aesthetic façade cladding systems. Showcasing six architectural projects, we delve into the practical and visual attributes of rainscreens and wallscreens.

Meet the 10 Finalists in ArchDaily China's 2023 Building of the Year Awards

Following two exciting weeks of nominations, ArchDaily’s readers have evaluated over 700 projects and selected 10 finalists for the Building of the Year Award China. Architects and enthusiasts participated in the nomination process, choosing projects that exemplify what it means to push architecture forward. These finalists are the buildings that have inspired ArchDaily readers the most, which also reveal the growing trend of Chinese architecture.

ArchDaily Newsletters: Your Ultimate Guide to Staying Up-to-Date on Architecture

At ArchDaily, we strive to keep our community well-informed on all aspects of architecture. Whether it's breaking news, upcoming events, competitions, built projects, or brand-new materials, our readers receive a selection of curated newsletters tailored to their preferences.

A Seafront Villa in Iran and a Cave House in Greece: 8 Unbuilt Villas Submitted by the ArchDaily Community

This week’s curated selection of Best Unbuilt Architecture highlights visionary villas submitted by the ArchDaily community. From a modern lake house weekend retreat in New York, a Mediterranean Villa in Portugal that blends outdoor and indoor, and a rammed earth residential complex of five villas that fold into the Balinese landscape, this round-up of unbuilt projects showcases how architects are moving forward from conventional residential architecture, pushing the boundary of luxury.

Each project has a different vision, generated by unique site conditions, and has been designed specifically for the future users of the villa. Moreover, firms like Bittoni Architects, Lipman Architects, RS Mannino Architects have all presented work that plays with materiality, giving the houses unique characteristics.

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New Strategies for Preventing Green Gentrification

“How do we ensure new parks don’t cause ‘green gentrification,’ which can lead to the exclusion and displacement of underserved communities? How can we ensure we don’t displace the communities that new parks are meant to serve?,” asked Dede Petri, CEO of the Olmsted Network (formerly the National Association of Olmsted Parks), during an Olmsted 200 event.

New parks are meant to be accessible to everyone, but in many urban areas, developer-driven parks mostly attract wealthier Americans. Cities benefit from increased development adjacent to these new parks, bringing in higher tax revenues, but that raises questions about whether these spaces can, in effect, lead to community displacement.

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Sounding Out the Importance of Office Acoustics

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Is it the award-worthy barista skills at the third-floor coffee bar that make your days in the office bearable? Or is it being able to ring-fence a desk and height-adjusted chair and call them your own while the rest of the world hot desks? Perhaps it is knowing that the warming of your hands and toes is at someone else’s expense or that in this space you are you and not mum, dad, daughter, or husband. Or you might put it simply down to the camaraderie of the team and the common sense of purpose. One thing that is not in question, however, is that since the recent shake-up of our working practices, it matters now more than ever that productivity and wellbeing are in balance in the office, and contentment and comfort are key to both.

Choosing Low-Maintenance Materials: 20 Examples of Houses in Argentina

The process of materializing architectural ideas involves taking into account various construction and economic factors, among others, which in one way or another will have an impact on the quality of life of its future inhabitants or users. Achieving the highest thermal comfort in interior spaces and achieving the lowest possible environmental impact are just some of the objectives that architecture professionals set for themselves when designing and defining the materials that will accompany their projects.

6 Creative Material Options for a Kitchen Backsplash

The most important rule for a kitchen backsplash to stand by is right there in the name. An imperative part of kitchen design, backsplashes are there to guard walls and unreachable undercabinet space from problematic stains, splashes, and spills. They also, however, represent a useful creative outlet for kitchen designers and interior architects.

By adding outlandishly striking slivers of color, pattern, and texture, kitchen backsplashes can cut a strong, confident line straight through the monotony of the kitchen’s color palette.

Here are some of the different materials and design techniques that help backsplashes keep kitchens both clean and creative.

Architecture After Civilization: Design in the Post-Apocalypse

We’re all familiar with the plot of a movie that occurs in a city still standing in a post-apocalyptic era. The streets are empty, except for a few survivors who wander aimlessly, searching for signs of life. Buildings begin to crumble and rust away after years of neglect, public transportation sits idle, and overgrown weeds spring from the cracks in the unmanaged sidewalks and streets. The scene feels eerie because we can’t imagine letting our physical environment sit in decay. It seems impossible that our built environments where we live and work each day suddenly fall silent. It’s a city without a pulse.

Sunlight Shadows for Slow but Colorful Façade Movements with Pierre Brault

When transparent facade elements deliberately evolve from the course of the sun, we can explore a fascinating slow movement in stark contrast to the hectic urban street life on the ground. Especially the French designer Pierre Brault has responded to the accelerated rhythm of our society with facade installations that combine the principle of the sundial with colorful pop design. His three-dimensional works made of recycled colored plexiglass mesmerize through simple but dramatic movements of colored shadows. In the interview, Brault explains his inspiration, the experimental approach and his interest in working responsibly with material.

Building With Recycled Polycarbonate: The SaveEnergy Product Line

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Sustainability is much more than simply deciding for or against a specific product. It is a concept that must be integrated into the way we build and design architecture, as well as the intelligent use of existing buildings and their potential renovations. From a sustainability perspective, demolishing an old building is just as unsustainable as building a new one. Both use large amounts of embodied energy that can be avoided when all planning parties consider new ways of working and collaborate more closely.

In this sense, the efficient use of raw materials and the reduction of waste for reuse is essential. Polycarbonate in façades, for example, has a life cycle of at least 20 years on average and can be recycled and reused in many ways, thus doubling its useful life until it can no longer be usefully recycled.

Accessibility: 10 Ramps in Public and Domestic Spaces

The ramp is one of the architectural elements that, besides facilitating movement between different heights and floors, provide greater accessibility to spaces. In Brazil, a series of decrees and regulations seek to ensure citizenship rights and promote equality and social inclusion of people with disabilities, which permeates issues related to their mobility and freedom to come and go. Architecture plays a key role in this inclusion, by devising strategies to ensure that these people can transit, participate and interact in any environment, whether public or private.

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What Are Living Infrastructures?

Infrastructure is widely known by the population in general, defined simply as a set of fundamental services for the socio-economic development of a region, such as sanitation, transportation, energy, and telecommunication. The commonly presented examples always refer to man-made physical structures. However, a new concept of infrastructure has emerged in recent decades, driven primarily by the urgent need for reconciliation between humans and nature for the survival of species.

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MVRDV Develops a Catalogue for Repurposing Rooftops

Highlighting an untapped spatial resource, MVRDV's Rooftop Catalogue, in collaboration with Rotterdam Rooftop Days, is now available online for free. Commissioned by the City of Rotterdam, the Rooftop Catalogue presents 130 innovative ideas to make use of Rotterdam's empty flat roofs, showcasing a potential new phase in the city's development and illustrating how reprogramming rooftops can help with issues such as land scarcity and climate change while also addressing the practical side of repurposing these spaces in terms of construction options and suitable sites.

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