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Event: Michael Graves to lecture at Notre Dame

Event: Michael Graves to lecture at Notre Dame - Featured Image

If you’re in the South Bend, Indiana, area, mark your calendars! A week from today, the famed architect and designer Michael Graves will present his lecture “A Grand Tour” at the University of Notre Dame. The lecture will recount his journey, once considered obligatory for a young architect, exploring the great monuments of Europe. As a recipient of the prestigious Prix de Rome, Graves traveled through Italy, Greece, Turkey, Spain, England, Germany, and France, studying and recording the masterworks of both ancient and modern architecture.

This year, the University of Notre Dame awarded Graves with the Richard H. Driehaus Prize, honoring his lifetime contributions to classical and traditional architecture in the modern world. Read all about his nomination here and watch an exclusive ArchDaily interview with the legend here.

Zhengdong New District Office Building Proposal / AUA

Zhengdong New District Office Building Proposal / AUA - Image 4 of 4
Courtesy of AUA

Located in Zhengzhou’s rapidly developing Zhengdong New District, the proposed office tower by AUA (Atelier of Urban Architecture) is an iconic building that sets a precedent for the area. Derived from a series of indexical and analytical drawings, the design is a direct response to the existing site geometry. More images and architects’ description after the break.

AD Interviews: Jordi Badia / BAAS

We had the chance to interview Catalonian architect Jordi Badia at the Vogadors: Architectural Rowers exhibit at the 13th Venice Biennale.

Venice Biennale 2012: Vogadors, Architectural Rowers / Catalan and Balearic Islands Pavilion

Venice Biennale 2012: Vogadors, Architectural Rowers / Catalan and Balearic Islands Pavilion - Image 9 of 4
© Nico Saieh

The 13th Venice Biennale, which closes its doors on November 27th, sparked an interesting debate during its opening given the highly political focus of some of the exhibitions, which for some diverged from architecture itself and entered on a discussion on its own.

In this context we find Vogadors: Architectural Rowers, the Catalan and Balearic Islands Pavilion curated by Jordi Badia and Félix Arranz, an exhibit that focused on the built project which uses the common ground theme to define the new generation of Catalonian architects: David Sebastian and Gerard Puig, SMS arquitectos, Arquitecturia, Jaime Ferrer, Meritxell Inaraja, Blancafort Reus Arquitectura, Núria Salvadó and David Tapias, Francisco Cifuentes and Bosch.Capdeferro Arquitectures (more details about the projects).

Venice Biennale 2012: Vogadors, Architectural Rowers / Catalan and Balearic Islands Pavilion - Image 8 of 4
© Nico Saieh

In the exhibit, nine projects from this generation are displayed in high detail, including extensive drawings, textures, constructive systems, videos of the buildings in use, and other forms of representation that put the visitors closer to the origins of the project, the relation with the site and the inhabitants, the research and most specially, the tradition.

And tradition is what closes the exhibit, presenting the works of the masters of Catalonian architecture such as Enric Miralles, as their influence is the common ground that the new generation shares. Looking back to understand the present and the future, as a rower who advances looking backwards reflected on Jorge Oteiza’s quote “He who forges ahead creating something new does so like an oarsman, moving forward but back-paddling, looking behind him, towards the past, towards what exists, so as to be able to reinvent its underpinnings.”

The exhibit, taking place at the Isola San Pietro between the Arsenale and the Giardini, extends its reach and presence thanks to a joint venture with Spanish publishing house Gustavo Gili, with the digital editions of the Vogadors catalog available at the iBook Store or at the GG website.

More fromt he curators after the break:

Lascaux IV: International Cave Painting Center Competition Entry / Mateo Arquitectura

Lascaux IV: International Cave Painting Center Competition Entry / Mateo Arquitectura - Image 8 of 4
Courtesy of Mateo Arquitectura

Designed by Mateo Arquitectura, the proposal for the Lascaux IV: International Cave Painting Center competition speaks to us of its history and woven of enigmas that humankind seeks to solve. It tells us that there are individuals who think, who prove, who suppose and interpret. Right beside, their virtual doubles welcome us in small theatres sunk into the ground, facing the hill. The gentle slope of the entryway leads you to a space of darkness, which awakens a unique experience. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Steven Holl: 'Scale' Lecture

Steven Holl: 'Scale' Lecture - Featured Image
Museum of Ocean and Surf by Steven Holl Architects

Taking place at Cooper Union in New York, the Steven Holl: ‘Scale’ lecture focuses on the firm’s current work in exploring new ways of integrating an organizing idea with the programmatic and functional essence of a building, “always using the unique character of a program and a site as the starting point for an architectural idea.” Steven Holl was the recipient of the 2012 AIA Gold Medal. His firm has been honored with many awards, publications, and exhibitions for excellence in design, most recently, their Cité de l’Océan et du Surf Museum (pictured in the slideshow above) won the Emirates Glass Leaf Award, the Annual Design Review, and the American Architecture Award. In 2001, Holl was named America’s Best Architect by Time. The event is co-sponsored by The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture of The Cooper Union as part of the program put on by the Architectural League, and takes place Wednesday, November 28th at 7:00pm. For more information, please visit here.

2013 Urban Edge Award Winners: Marion Weiss and Michael Manfredi

2013 Urban Edge Award Winners: Marion Weiss and Michael Manfredi - Image 1 of 4
Seattle Art Museum: Olympic Sculpture Park © Ben Benschneider

Marion Weiss and Michael Manfredi were recently announced by the School of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee as the recipients of the 2013 Urban Edge Award. This biennial award honors an internationally recognized designer or firm whose work brings innovative thinking and effective strategies to transform the realm of urban design. As award recipients, Weiss and Manfredi will curate the Urban Edge Symposium, Evolutionary Infrastructure, at the UWM School of Architecture and Urban Planning in April 2013.

The New Wave In Danish Architecture

The pragmatic turn in Danish architecture in the 2000s is one of the most striking new trends in international architecture in the past decade, and it has attracted considerable interest around the world.The architectural firms represented in the book include BIG, jds, Cobe, Transform, Nord, Effekt, Adept, among others. Although these firms do easily fit into one single category or can be said to make up a unified movement, their projects do have certain significant features in common. These commonalities have led international media to view these projects as part of a common trend and a new phenomenon in Danish architecture.

Save the Prentice Wrecking Ball: The Monument to Bruce / Design With Company

Save the Prentice Wrecking Ball: The Monument to Bruce / Design With Company - Image 6 of 4
Courtesy of Design With Company

The Save the Prentice Wrecking Ball: The Monument to Bruce, designed by Design With Company, is a response to the situation of the Prentice Women’s Hospital in Chicago which aims at creating a new narrative for the building’s afterlife. By combining literary and architectural narrative strategies, their design tries to recapture the narrative and produce the universe we need to steer us toward the conversations we want to have. This story is not a means to an end, it is the ends. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Ikon Connaught / Spark Architects

Ikon Connaught / Spark Architects - Image 7 of 4
Courtesy of Spark Architects

The design by Spark Architects for the Ikon Connaught seeks to create a lifestyle destination on an intimate neighborhood scale with the level of quality, impact and vibrancy of a city centre destination. Located at the heart of Cheras in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the project will provide space for more than 100 boutique shops and restaurants over five storeys with five levels of office above. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Sant Esteve Sesrovires Institute / Jordi Farrando

Sant Esteve Sesrovires Institute  / Jordi Farrando - Image 18 of 4
© Adrià Goula

Architects: Jordi Farrando Location: Sant Esteve Sesrovires, Cataluña, Spain Architect: Jordi Farrando Project Year: 2007 Photographs: Adrià Goula

Sant Esteve Sesrovires Institute  / Jordi Farrando - Image 8 of 4Sant Esteve Sesrovires Institute  / Jordi Farrando - Image 10 of 4Sant Esteve Sesrovires Institute  / Jordi Farrando - Image 9 of 4Sant Esteve Sesrovires Institute  / Jordi Farrando - Image 19 of 4Sant Esteve Sesrovires Institute  / Jordi Farrando - More Images+ 16

Shining Lighthouse in Belfort / Archi5

Shining Lighthouse in Belfort / Archi5 - Image 8 of 4
© Fabien Terreaux and Amoor Maadi

Architects: Archi5 Location: Belfort, France Project Year: 2012 Photographs: Fabien Terreaux and Amoor Maadi

Shining Lighthouse in Belfort / Archi5 - Image 3 of 4Shining Lighthouse in Belfort / Archi5 - Image 4 of 4Shining Lighthouse in Belfort / Archi5 - Image 10 of 4Shining Lighthouse in Belfort / Archi5 - Image 5 of 4Shining Lighthouse in Belfort / Archi5 - More Images+ 6

MVRDV proposes 400 meter tall 'vertical city' in Jakarta

MVRDV proposes 400 meter tall 'vertical city' in Jakarta - Image 3 of 4
rendering by RSI-Studio

MVRDV, in collaboration with The Jerde Partnership, ARUP, and developer Wijaya KaryaBenhil Property, have unveiled plans to create a new landmark in Jakarta, Indonesia. Dubbed Peruri 88, the 400 meter tall vertical city integrates retail, offices, housing, a luxury hotel, four levels of parking, a wedding house, a mosque, an imax theater and an outdoor amphitheater, with an extensive amount of green space.

The team presented the plans to city and site owner, Peruri, as part of a developer’s bid competition for the prominent site.

All the details after the break…

AD Round Up: Brick Architecture

AD Round Up: Brick Architecture - Image 1 of 4
© Robert Leš

Transforming the Bridge Competition Winners

Transforming the Bridge Competition Winners - Image 4 of 4
First Place (Tied) / Archilier Architecture; Courtesy of Transforming the Bridge Competition

Results from the Transforming the Bridge Competition for Cleveland, Ohio, are in. The competition called for an innovative solution for the redevelopment and repurposing of the abandoned Detroit-Superior Bridge. The brief called for a variety of uses, dedicated pedestrian and bike paths, performance spaces, and landscaping solutions. Nine projects made the cut…

"Universidad del Pacifico" Branch Office / Metropolis

"Universidad del Pacifico" Branch Office / Metropolis - Image 35 of 4
© Juan Solano

Architects: Metropolis Location: Lima, Peru Project Year: 2012 Project Area: 17,000 sqm Photographs: Juan Solano

"Universidad del Pacifico" Branch Office / Metropolis - Image 32 of 4"Universidad del Pacifico" Branch Office / Metropolis - Image 47 of 4"Universidad del Pacifico" Branch Office / Metropolis - Image 36 of 4"Universidad del Pacifico" Branch Office / Metropolis - Image 38 of 4Universidad del Pacifico Branch Office / Metropolis - More Images+ 56

Büro Ole Scheeren unveils 'DUO' towers in Singapore

Büro Ole Scheeren unveils 'DUO' towers in Singapore - Image 12 of 4
DUO by Ole Scheeren © Buro-OS

Beijing-based Büro Ole Scheeren has released plans for a mixed-use, high-rise development in the modern metropolis of Singapore. Titled ‘DUO’, the twin towers are not intended to be conceived as autonomous objects, but defined by the spaces they create around them. Their curved facades engages the city and frames a “new civic nucleus” at its base, while featuring premium offices, a five-star hotel, 660 high-end residential units and signature retail space.

DUO is lead by German-born architect Ole Scheeren, whose best known for his work with OMA on Beijing’s CCTV headquarters and has recently turned heads with the popular floating Archipelago Cinemas. The project is expected for completion by 2017, with construction planned to break ground next year.

More images and the architects’ description after the break.

Jiading Office Complex / Damian Donze (Tongji Architectural Design and Research Institute)

Jiading Office Complex / Damian Donze (Tongji Architectural Design and Research Institute) - Image 21 of 4
Courtesy of Tongji Architectural Design and Research Institute

As part of the new Tongji Science and Technology Park in Jiading, Shanghai, the aim for the design by Damian Donze of Tongji Architectural Design and Research Institute was to create a high level office complex with a commercial street on the ground floor. The irregular form of the building is not just to make an impression, but creates high end office spaces with access to exterior space. The building stretches along Huang Du Lü Yuan Road and extends the commercial street coming from the North. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Films & Architecture: "The Truman Show"

Films & Architecture: "The Truman Show" - Image 3 of 4

What if your house, neighbourhood, even your city were part of a TV set? This is the fake world - a kind of suburban utopia - where Truman Burbanks lives, tricked by loops of spaces and stuck in routines. The film questions the idea of a “perfect” reality, and troubles the predictable scenarios of suburban life. From the perspective of urban planning and architecture, the film makes you wonder: to what extent should we have control over our environments? To what extent should we design out choice, or randomness, or disorder, in the name of “perfection”? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Office Complex for Delhi Pollution Control Committee Proposal / M:OFA Studios

Office Complex for Delhi Pollution Control Committee Proposal / M:OFA Studios - Image 15 of 4
Courtesy of M:OFA Studios

Commissioned through a design competition, the Office Complex for Delhi Pollution Control Committee proposal by M:OFA Studios houses about 200 officials , scientists and a devoted work force responsible for making and implementing policies, research and formulating norms for keeping India’s capital Pollution free. The significance of this office in the larger context is an affirmation of this purpose itself contributing towards a higher standard of living for the populace of Delhi State. It was the understanding of this purpose and sustainability in the Indian context that became the core design parameters for the DPCC head office building. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Kaufman & Broad Office Building Winning Proposal / Studioninedots

Kaufman & Broad Office Building Winning Proposal / Studioninedots - Image 17 of 4

Studioninedots, in collaboration with Atelier 115 Architectes, recently won the limited competition for the design of a 9200m2 office building for Kaufman & Broad in Paris. Their highly legible, iconic office building, called Ya, holds its own among the high-rise structures on the park-side of Avenue Pierre Lefaucheux. The application of horizontal articulation also connects the project to the more small-scale residential developments in the vicinity. More images and architects’ description after the break.

The Indicator: Two Degrees of Separation

The Indicator: Two Degrees of Separation - Image 2 of 4
© NASA Goddard Photo and Video

“…clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.”

Carl Sagan, The Demon Haunted World

Hurricane Sandy painfully clarified the deadly implications of climate change. In fact, the superstorm was so forceful as a reminder of just what climate change means in real terms that it played a decisive role in the presidential election. 

Here in the US, the issue defines political divides. A recent Pew Research Center survey shows 85% of Democrats believe climate change is a scientific fact, while only 48% of Republicans believe so. Another poll shows 68% of Americans believing climate change is a serious problem and 38% believing it is a very serious problem.

The impact of Sandy may have played a role in bumping these numbers up but there is still no slam dunk on the issue when roughly 30% of the population still believes climate change is not real. For those of you outside the US this is your cue to roll your eyes and say, Stupid Americans. 

Continue reading The Indicator after the break

Videos: New Flea Market in Barcelona / Prompt

Just a couple months ago, we featured a video by Prompt for the new flea market for the IMMB Institut Municipal de Mercats de Barcelona. The project will play a key role in the economy and urban identity of the city. Featured in this post are two more videos which highlight its progress as it goes up in the city. More information and the next video can be viewed after the break.

Shortlist announced for Kent State's New Architecture Building

Kent State University has selected four national teams to compete in the final round of an international competition to design a new College of Architecture and Environmental Design building on the university’s new esplanade. The planned facility is part of the university’s campus transformation, called “Foundations of Excellence: Building the Future,” which involves the construction of new buildings, facility upgrades and establishment of dynamic, new spaces. The goal of this initiative is to create a modern campus that offers an outstanding academic experience and enriches the greater community of Kent, Ohio.

The shortlisted teams have been challenged to design a $40 million sustainable exemplar, possibly capable of achieving net-zero energy, that unites Kent State’s architecture program under one roof, while inspiring interdisciplinary collaboration within flexible learning spaces.

More details and the complete shortlist after the break…

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