We Like Today has released its bid-winning plan for a mixed-use leisure destination on the Brighton and Hove seafront, endorsed by the City Council. Wanting to reviving this part of the English coast as a destination for recreation and swimming, the proposal includes a 50 meter open air heated pool, lifeguard facilities, changing facilities, cafes and restaurants, yoga and exercise studios, indoor training facilities, therapy rooms, a boardwalk allowing disabled access to the beach, retail spaces, pop-up shops, conference facilities, and offices.
According to Rich Brett, creative director and principal of We Like Today, “I am interested in using design and architecture to make a difference and wanted people to feel pride of place for an area that used to be at the heart of Brighton and Hove’s leisure industries. Brighton shares a special relativity with the sea, yet at present, there is little integration between the two. The idea for Sea Lanes was to build an active and immersive destination, open up a dialogue with the sea and the local community, and revitalise Madeira Drive and this area of the city.”
Intent on a designing a property “in Brighton, for Brighton,” the shapes and iconography of the many small pavilions of Sea Lanes are meant to celebrate the characteristics of the city. In the words of the architects, “the scheme celebrates the idiosyncrasies, intimacy, variety and attitude of [Brighton].” The project is being developed with several local companies, including Copsemill Properties, SwimTrek, and Swimmergy.
Brighton’s reputation as a health resort dates back to the 1730s when British physician Dr Richard Russell proclaimed the therapeutic benefits of its seawater. Although supported by the Council, funding for this project is being achieved through private investment.
Project Year