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Federico Cairoli


Ben-Avid: “A project is a Conversation Made of Drawings and Words”

Martin Benavidez founded Ben-Avid in 2018, an architectural practice he runs from Córdoba, Argentina, where he develops national and international architectural projects of various scales and complexities.

His projects are commercial spaces, galleries and exhibition pavilions, urban and metropolitan transport infrastructure, among others. They are collaborative and tell stories. It is architecture that has a narrative. His Pavilion for Expo 2020 Dubai together with MMBB Arquitetos and JPG.ARQ is one of his most recent projects. Its protagonists are the waters of Brazil: its rivers and mangroves, a natural heritage that underlies the whole discourse on the sustainability of the planet.

Selected by ArchDaily as one of the Best New Practices of 2021, we conducted the following interview with Martin to tell us more in detail about all his inspirations, motivations, work processes and upcoming projects.

Installations on Show: 15 Examples of Applications in Interior Spaces of Homes

Pipes, wiring and ducts of different materials in walls, ceilings and roofs make up all the spaces we walk through and inhabit. They represent the set of networks and equipment necessary for the development of life in our buildings, providing services such as water, electricity or gas, among many others. According to the regulations in each country and the use defined in each space, the installations can be left visible, giving a certain character and aesthetic to interior spaces.

“Designing Is Not Drawing, It Is Building”: Interview With messina | rivas

The act of designing implies not only drawing, but building. It carries – or should carry – with it the same rigor and complexity as the execution on the construction site. That's what Francisco Rivas and Rodrigo Messina believe, partners at messina in | rivas, a São Paulo-based firm that has already gained national and international recognition, also selected among the best new practices of 2021 by ArchDaily.

Formed by a Brazilian and an Argentine who met in Paraguay while working at Gabinete de Arquitectura, the office is known for works such as The Chapel Ingá-Mirim, finalist for the Instituto Tomie Ohtake AkzoNobel Architecture Prize 2020 and the Oscar Niemeyer Prize 2020, and São Roque Sauna. More recently, it was elected the winner of the competition for the Maritime Museum of Brazil with the Argentine office Ben-Avid.

“Designing Is Not Drawing, It Is Building”: Interview With messina | rivas - More Images+ 12

Valois Building / José Cubilla

Valois Building / José Cubilla - Residential
© Federico Cairoli

Valois Building / José Cubilla - More Images+ 21

Asuncion, Paraguay
  • Architects: Jose Cubilla
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  6997 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2021

Vivienda GT / Grupo Culata Jovái

Vivienda GT / Grupo Culata Jovái - More Images+ 36

Asunción, Paraguay

Tin House / sauermartins

Tin House  / sauermartins - More Images+ 22

Canela, Brazil
  • Architects: sauermartins
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  3552 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2018

FL House / Berzero Jaros

FL House / Berzero Jaros - More Images+ 16

Córdoba, Argentina
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  254
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2017

Naked House / penta arquitectura

Naked House / penta arquitectura - More Images+ 43

Lambaré, Paraguay
  • Architects: penta arquitectura
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  150
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2021

Nordeste Offices / Mínimo Común Arquitectura

Nordeste Offices / Mínimo Común Arquitectura - More Images+ 17

Mariano Roque Alonso, Paraguay

Casa Serbia / Grupo Culata Jovái

Casa Serbia / Grupo Culata Jovái - Interior Photography, Renovation, Door, Facade
© Federico Cairoli

Casa Serbia / Grupo Culata Jovái - More Images+ 26

Asunción, Paraguay

Josep Ferrando: “A System Is Flexible When It Accumulates the Maximum Amount of Algorithms, Generating Complex Spaces but Without Complications”

Josep Ferrando is an architect based in Barcelona. He is the Dean of the La Salle Higher Technical School of Architecture (ETSALS), as well as Director of the Obert d'Arquitectura Center of Barcelona and of the Department of Culture of the College of Architects of Catalonia (COAC). Combining his academic career and his frequent lectures, his office develops projects that explore different scales and materials, experimenting with constructive systems and innovative solutions. We talked with him about the importance of materials in architecture, and about the synergies he finds between practice and teaching.

Digital Woodworking: Creating Structures, Furniture, and Surfaces Using CNC

Digital Woodworking: Creating Structures, Furniture, and Surfaces Using CNC - More Images+ 18

The automation of architectural design and rendering has been further accelerated by digital production tools. Tools such as 3D printers, assembly robots, and laser cutters, have all but perfected the design and construction process and have proven essential in optimizing resources, improving precision, and increasing control of the process.

In woodworking, the most frequently used digital production tools are milling machines or CNC (computer numerical control) routers. These tools facilitate the rendering of 2D vectoral drawings and 3D models, codifying them into instructions for the machine to follow and execute. Through this process, which starts with digital archives (typically created using design software widely known as AutoCad), milling machines and CNC routers can rapidly and precisely cut wood, producing ready to assemble pieces.

Metal Houses in Argentina: 10 Projects with Sheet Metal Exteriors

Metal Houses in Argentina: 10 Projects with Sheet Metal Exteriors  - More Images+ 11

Whether applied as cladding to steel or timber frame structures or to structures built by traditional means, sheet metal offers an array of advantages as a building material, thanks to its low cost, ease of maintenance, and versatility.

Ocuyrey Guarani MBYA Community Hall / Julio Ignacio Paez

Ocuyrey Guarani MBYA Community Hall / Julio Ignacio Paez - More Images+ 14

  • Architects: Julio Ignacio Paez
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  100
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019

House for Jorgelina / Atelier Atlantico

House for Jorgelina / Atelier Atlantico - More Images+ 21

Santo Tomé, Argentina
  • Architects: Atelier Atlantico
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  699 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2020