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ArchDaily China Building of the Year 2020 Awards: The Finalists

Following an exciting week of nominations, ArchDaily’s readers have evaluated over 800 projects and selected 10 finalists of the Building of the Year Award. Over 20,000 architects and enthusiasts participated in the nomination process, choosing projects that exemplify what it means to push architecture forward. These finalists are the buildings that have inspired ArchDaily readers the most.

Tips for Architects Working At Home During COVID-19

The outbreak of COVID-19 has caused an estimated 900 million people around the world to remain at home. Among them are architects and designers who have been asked to work remotely to prevent the virus from spreading through the workplace. For many architects, this is undoubtedly a new territory. However, for ArchDaily, it is not, and we can assure you that it is possible not only to work from home, but to use this time to greatly enhance your skills, knowledge, and development as an architect.

Taizhou Contemporary Art Museum / Atelier Deshaus

Taizhou Contemporary Art Museum / Atelier Deshaus - More Images+ 24

  • Architects: Atelier Deshaus
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  2454
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019

Curtains as Room Dividers: Towards a Fluid and Adaptable Architecture

Over the past few decades, interior spaces have become increasingly open and versatile. From the thick walls and multiple subdivisions of Palladian villas, for example, to today's free-standing and multi-functional plans, architecture attempts to combat obsolescence by providing consistently efficient environments for everyday life, considering both present and future use. And while Palladio's old villas can still accommodate a wide variety of functions and lifestyles, re-adapting their use without changing an inch of their original design, today, flexibility seems to be the recipe for extending the useful life of buildings as far as possible.

How, then, can we design spaces neutral and flexible enough to adapt to the evolving human being, while still accomplishing the needs that each person requires today? An ancient element could help redefine the way we conceive and inhabit space: curtains.

Tank Shanghai / OPEN Architecture

Tank Shanghai / OPEN Architecture - More Images+ 25

Shanghai, China

The Mirror Mind Without Time / BUZZ/ Büro Ziyu Zhuang

The Mirror Mind Without Time  / BUZZ/ Büro Ziyu Zhuang - More Images+ 22

Green Concept House / YANG DESIGN

Green Concept House / YANG DESIGN - More Images+ 8

Glassless House, Pavilion and Pool for XY Yun House / Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects

Glassless House, Pavilion and Pool for XY Yun House / Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects - More Images+ 47

Guangxi, China

MOONCRAFT / o&o studio

MOONCRAFT / o&o studio - More Images+ 30

  • Architects: o&o studio
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  130
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019

Light of Internet World Internet Conference Center / Archi-Union + Fab-Union

Light of Internet World Internet Conference Center / Archi-Union + Fab-Union - More Images+ 14


EMME Store / LUKSTUDIO - More Images+ 22

Changning, China

What's Pushing Refurbishment Fever in China?

China seems to be at the peak of a refurbishment fever. Not only hutongs in historic downtowns, but abandoned industrial factories are becoming new tech or cultural hubs, and even buildings in the risk of collapse are refurbished to extend their lifespan. Why is this happening? Who is investing? How could this happen in a country where you cannot buy properties?

In this edition of Editor's Talk, our editors from ArchDaily China share their thoughts on how in a fast-paced development process, such as the one China is going through, there is a refurbishment fever in its biggest cities.

Yangjing Canal Pedestrian Bridge / Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects

Yangjing Canal Pedestrian Bridge / Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects - More Images+ 45

Inkstone House OCT Linpan Cultural Center / Archi-Union

Inkstone House OCT Linpan Cultural Center / Archi-Union - Cultural Center
© Shengliang Su

Inkstone House OCT Linpan Cultural Center / Archi-Union - More Images+ 14

JHW Store / Atelier TAO+C

JHW Store / Atelier TAO+C - More Images+ 26

Zhengzhou, China
  • Interior Designers: Atelier TAO+C
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  405
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019

Jishou Art Museum / Atelier FCJZ

Jishou Art Museum / Atelier FCJZ - More Images+ 22

  • Architects: Atelier FCJZ
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  3535
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019