Argentine Architecture

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Latest news in Argentina

How to Use Wood in Outdoor Installations: Case Studies in Natural Environments of Latin America

Spanning over 20 million square kilometers and featuring nearly all the climates of the world, the Latin American region is home to endemic biological wealth and geographical diversity that ranges from some of the most significant rivers in the world to the mountain range of the Andes, the Amazon rainforests, the plains of Patagonia, the coasts of the Caribbean Sea, and more. In light of a collective effort involving local communities and new generations, the construction of installations and structures in these natural environments is aimed not only at meeting functional needs but also at educational, research, and environmental conservation purposes.

Estudio Rare: An Architecture of Experimentation Through Art

Selected as one of ArchDaily's Best New Practices 2024, Estudio Rare defines itself as an interdisciplinary experimental space. Based in Córdoba, Argentina, its three founding partners, Agustín Willnecker, Iván Ferrero, and Mateo Unamuno, met while studying at the Faculty of Architecture of the National University of Córdoba. With a young but notable trajectory, the Rare team offers a free and dynamic perspective on design, architecture, and construction. Their works, regardless of scale or commission, demonstrate a close relationship with art, reflecting the diverse interests and personal backgrounds of each team member and their collaborators.

The New Stone Age: 12 Contemporary Houses in Latin America and the Diversity of Their Natural Stones

Latin American architecture is rich and diverse. This is reflected in the various stones used across different regions over the centuries. These materials highlight the varied geology of Latin America and illustrate how local cultures have adapted their construction methods to natural conditions, resulting in unique and meaningful architecture. In contemporary architecture, stone aligns with sustainability principles due to its durability, low carbon footprint, and local availability. Additionally, stone's aesthetic appeal enhances the creation of timeless spaces that strengthen the connection with nature and the surrounding landscape.

The Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize Announces Finalists for the 2024 MCHAP Award

The Mies Crown Hall American Prize (MCHAP), has just announced the four finalists for the 2024 prize. In the latest stage of its fifth cycle, this prize for emerging practices has been selected from a pool of over fifty nominated works designed by architects in the first decade of their training. The award recognizes the best-built works of architecture in the Americas completed between 2020 and 2023.

How to Integrate Your Apartment's Kitchen: 25 Interior Renovations in Argentina, Brazil, and Ecuador

Beyond the wide variety of landscape, environmental, economic, social, and cultural particularities that distinguish each region of Latin America, the renovation of interior spaces that make up domestic life generally focuses on achieving the greatest possible integration of environments along with providing flexibility, spaciousness, and better conditions for ventilation and natural lighting. Seeking to revalue unused spaces and/or give them a second life, renovations aim to transform the ways of living through strategies capable of involving the restoration of materials, the preservation of structures, the maintenance of installations, and more.

Ítala Fulvia Villa and her Sixth Pantheon: The Story Behind Buenos Aires' Brutalist Necropolis

Around 1949, the city of Buenos Aires led the construction of the Sixth Pantheon in the Chacarita neighborhood. Monumental in character and brutalist in style, this underground necropolis turned out to be the first and largest experiment in modern architecture in the funerary field. Designed by Ítala Fulvia Villa, one of the first Argentine women architects and urban planners, and a pioneer of South American modernism, along with her team comprised of Leila Cornell, Raquel S. de Días, Gunter Ernest, Carlos A. Gabutti, Ludovico Koppman, and Clorindo Testa, this work was discovered by Léa Namer, who conducted an in-depth investigation reflecting on the legacy of a modern utopia and a feminist rereading of history.

Renovations in Buenos Aires: 10 Refurbished House Projects by Emerging Argentinian Studios

The city of Buenos Aires is vast in its area and has a heterogeneous and variable urban fabric in terms of scale. Much of the residential neighborhoods are made up of a mixed-use fabric, where the predominant constructions from several decades ago are the so-called "casa chorizo" and horizontally owned houses, commonly known as PH (Propiedad Horizontal). It is interesting to review how, over the years, these constructions have been modified due to changes in building regulations, which allowed the creation of new typologies, mainly responding to new ways of living within the city. The renovation of these constructions, many of which are used for residential purposes, has also been a conscious response to avoid overbuilding in an already densely populated city. While these projects have been a recurring practice in Buenos Aires for several years now, many young architects of new generations are taking on these challenges, thus generating a trend that seems to have no end and where we find new solutions in each renovation.

The Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize Announces 2024 MCHAP Emerging and Outstanding Projects

The Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize (MCHAP) at the College of Architecture at Illinois Institute of Technology has announced the shortlist of 53 Outstanding projects. The 5th cycle of awards celebrates built works completed in North, Central, and South America in 2022 and 2023, striving to bring visibility to those projects that best address the demands of our time and work towards building resilient communities.

Land as Raw Material: Latin American Homes Built With Locally Sourced Soil

Organizing, shaping, stacking. Transforming raw materials from the soil into architecture. This is a challenge that many Latin American architects embrace, demonstrating that scarcity can be daunting but also a rich opportunity to unleash creativity.

The Expressiveness of Exposed Concrete: Exploring the Works of Luciano Kruk

In response to the diverse topographies and natural conditions throughout the Argentine territory, the works of Luciano Kruk propose an architecture that works in harmony with the environment, the landscape, and the nature in which they are situated. Whether immersed in a forest, on sloping terrain, or on a rural plain, among other geographies, his intention is to enhance the relationship between the interior and exterior of the architecture, using concrete as the main material in most of his projects.