Sebastian Jordana


reSITE 2013: Livable and Competitive Cities Conference

reSITE invites investors, business leaders, real estate developers, politicians, architects, urban planners, landscape architects, experts in transportation, innovation, engineers, economists, financiers, community organizers, scientists, artists, students and those with an active interest in urban development and culture to attend reSITE Conference.

The second annual reSITE Conference in Prague will be held on June 20-21, 2013 at the iconic DOX Centre for Contemporary Art in Prague 7 - Holešovice. Here, conference guests will meet the world’s foremost experts in the field of real estate development, urban design, architecture, planning, technology and finance to discuss strategies for sustainable planning for modern, competitive cities with a high quality of life. reSITE strives to foster collaboration between disparate disciplines and is looking for modern, sustainable and financially practical solutions for better public space, urban waterfront and mobility; a better city.

reSITE Conference and Festival will feature 60 international experts, over 400 high-level guests, and thousands of people at public events. reSITE is the largest and most professional international event of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe. reSITE relies on their deep experience and international connections to top experts in New York and across the world, thereby offering a more engaging and relevant program than other conferences with similar topics.

Topics, key speakers, and more information after the break.

Video: Iran, The Embargoed Hotel

Video: Iran, The Embargoed Hotel - Image 1 of 4

CASE Wants Your Brain

CASE is working with HP to embark on the task of investigating the future of how the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry manages information and they want YOU for their survey. Help them out by answering a few harmless questions on what tools you're using to help manage your building practices and feel free to forward this along to fellow building and design industry folk since you’re being so awesome about it. You will also have the option to sign up at the end of the survey to have our findings emailed to you.

IE Master in Architectural Design Lecture Series: Josep Lluís Mateo

The IE Master in Architectural Design as part of the Lecture Series 2013 in conjunction with the Círculo de Bellas Artes presents "Lugar, tiempo y materia. Obra reciente, 2010 - 2013", by Josep Lluís Mateo.

The Indicator: No More Interns

The title “intern” should be banished from the profession of architecture. It’s about time. It has run its course. It’s outmoded and contributes to a culture of exploitation in the guise of opportunity. Frankly, it makes us look so nineteenth century.

More importantly, I’m tired of seeing articles decrying the state of interns every summer when “intern season” kicks in. Can we just be done with this? It’s depressing. Don’t exploit the interns! Pay the interns! No free labor! Class action lawsuit! Solidarity! FU pay me! All very well and good. However, if labor laws and ethics have not fixed the problem, maybe getting rid of the title will. It’s just a title, but it sets a bad precedent.

Live Online Seminar: Introducing ArchiCAD 17

The latest BIM software from GRAPHISOFT was announced recently. ArchiCAD 17 will be shipping soon. The company has also announced an upcoming free online seminar that will familiarize you with all the new features and enhancements to the software.

Scheduled for June 18, the demonstration of ArchiCAD 17 will feature the actual model used to design one of Moscow's most prestigious buildings, the Mosfilmovskaya Street multi-purpose building complex.

All the information after the break.

Video: American Design Club

Video: American Design Club - Image 1 of 4

Video: Pin-Up Magazine

Video:  Pin-Up Magazine - Image 1 of 4

New Cities Summit 2013: 'The Human City'

We are living through the most rapid and significant phase of urbanization in human history. By 2030, more than 60% of the world’s population - 5 billion people - will live in cities. To understand and act upon this mega trend, the New Cities Foundation hosts the New Cities Summit, the leading global platform for urban innovation and exchange. Each year, the Summit gathers 1,000 of the world’s brightest thinkers and decision-makers for action-oriented debate, information sharing and problem solving. São Paulo is the vibrant location of this year’s event. The theme this year: The Human City, placing the individual and the community at the heart of discussions on our urban future.

How will this urban planet alter the human experience? For ‘We the Urban People’, what specific issues can we grapple with today to ensure that tomorrow's metropolis is a positive place to live and work? 

To find out more about the New Cities Summit we interviewed John Rossant, founder and chairman of the New Cities Foundation. Interview after the break.

AD Architecture School Guide: Portland State University School of Architecture

Social justice. How can that be achieved? At Portland State University School of Architecture, faculty and students are exploring just this issue in different forms. Often when people think of Portland or the state of Oregon, images of “crunchy” eco-“warriors” come to mind, but these issues are not simply proxies for a lifestyle or consumer choices. Rather, when discussing people and ecology, the issues are about resources. Specifically, how do humans use and allocate resources to promote fair, well-distributed advancements rather than exploitation, oppression and conspicuous consumption.

Video: Future Focus

Video: Future Focus - Image 1 of 4

The Indicator: Pilgrimage, Experiencing the Eames House

I pass by the Eames House almost every day at about 35 mph on my way down to PCH, the sand, the waves, the subterranean tunnels, and the tsunami zone, where LA coughs up its junk on the urban beach, where the Westside comes to its logical conclusion. Sometimes traffic is backed up so far up the hill—this is Los Angeles, after all—that I sit motionless and adjacent where the house should be, but can’t actually see it. I listen to the engine, the radio, the sound of helicopters and leaf blowers. The house is silent somewhere behind a wall of dense tropical flora.

My first actual visit to the house was when I was barely thinking about architecture. In a way it was my introduction to the possibility that someone could do architecture, that it was something one could succeed at. It was optimism on real estate once considered solidly middle class. Improbably light-weight and even painterly, like a Mondrian composition, it sits in a perfectly mundane American yard, like the delicate skeleton of a bird perched over the Pacific.

reSITE dPAV Competition Workshop: 5 days to close the registration

This is an open call, two-stage international design competition workshop for architects, artists, engineers, innovators, scientists and related disciplines to imagine the future mobile event pavilion.

Video: Rafael de Cárdenas

Video: Rafael de Cárdenas - Image 1 of 4

Online Master Class: "Codesigning Workspace: The future for collaborative environments"

The IE Master in Work Space Design presents the Online Master Classes series.

Online Master Class: "So you want to be famous?"

The IE Master in Architectural Management and Design presents the Online Master Classes series.

The Indicator: When Architects Attack

When Christopher Hawthorne, architecture critic for the Los Angeles Times, gives a bad review there is the sense that he is essentially dismantling a building, chipping its façade apart, like breaking down some charade in defense of the public’s honor. Like a hired killer he disappears the architecture, but at the same time heightens its visibility in the culture.

This ability, to provoke in such ways, is precisely why Thom Mayne would like to bar Mr. Hawthorne from taking a crack at reviewing the new building he and his firm, Morphosis designed for the firm’s new offices.

On a recent tour of the new digs, Mayne, as reported in The Architect’s Newspaper, was overheard saying, “There are no good writers in Los Angeles” and “All local writers are horrible.” To add further insult, he wants a science writer to cover it. That should be a short review.

“Your World, Reimagined: A Global Design Competition” Now Accepting Entries

Entries are now being accepted for “Your World, Reimagined: A Global Design Competition.”

Presented by Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc., MAXON Computer, DOSCH DESIGN, Arroway Textures® and AMD FireProTM graphics, “Your World, Reimagined” asks professional and student designers to tackle an old, dilapidated, or run-down locale and redesign it for a new, improved use. Entries can range in focus from adaptive reuse to landscape reclamation or object redesign.

Winners will be selected by a panel of judges from around the world, including designer and sculptor Nicholas Dunand; digital artist Shinya Fujimura from 3D-KOBO architect François Lévy lighting and production designer Tyler Littman of Sholight, LLC architectural visualizer Alejandro Nogueira from DECC 3D Art; architect Peter Petz from digital animator Marc Potocnik from renderbaron architectural visualizer Erik Recke from Datenland assistant professor Katherine Bambrick Ambroziak from the College of Architecture and Design at the University of Tennessee Knoxville; and project architects Maxime Czvek, Thomas Rigby and Tom Boogaerts from BOGDAN & VAN BROECK ARCHITECTS.

In addition to an overall award for Best Overall Design Concept, winners will be selected in the following categories: Best Computer Rendering, Best Animation, Best 3D Modeling and Best 2D Plan. More information, including prizes by categories after the break.