Sadia Quddus


BFarchitecture Takes Second Place in Liget Budapest Museum of Ethnography Competition

A few days ago, the winning design for the new Liget Budapest Museum of Ethnography was revealed. BFarchitecture, awarded second place, has just released their design proposal, which weaves the city and park of Városliget together by flowing the public along the Dózsa György út through the procession of the building.

BFarchitecture Takes Second Place in Liget Budapest Museum of Ethnography Competition - Museums & Exhibit BFarchitecture Takes Second Place in Liget Budapest Museum of Ethnography Competition - Museums & Exhibit BFarchitecture Takes Second Place in Liget Budapest Museum of Ethnography Competition - Museums & Exhibit BFarchitecture Takes Second Place in Liget Budapest Museum of Ethnography Competition - Museums & Exhibit BFarchitecture Takes Second Place in Liget Budapest Museum of Ethnography Competition - More Images+ 20

Progetto Flaminio Announces Competition for Rome's New City of Science District

The Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Investimenti Sgr has recently acquired the former Precision Electrical Components Factory in Flaminio, located between Via Guido Reni and Viale del Vignola, that will now be transformed into the new City of Science district.

Winning Proposals of "Looking Forward" Visualize the Future Athenaeum of Philadelphia

The Athenaeum has just announced the winning proposals of the "Looking Forward: Re-imagining the Athenaeum of Philadelphia" competition. In celebration of its 200th anniversary, the independent library and museum issued a challenge to architects, designers, and artists to illustrate their visions for the "Athenaeum of the Future."

The competition's entries included 46 professional and 42 student proposals from 17 different countries, 15 US States, and 10 schools. Read on after the break to explore the award-winning designs.

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BAG Transforms Wooden Pallets into Temporary Space Observatory

Rome-based firm Beyond Architecture Group (BAG) has designed “experimental furniture” - dubbed Looking (C)up - for the Frammenti Music Festival at the Archaeological Park in Tusculum, Italy. The firm, known for building houses with bales of straw, chose to craft an astronomical observatory with wooden pallets.

Could Smart Cities Slowly Destroy Democracy?

Has the concept of the smart city "crystallised into an image of the city as a vast, efficient robot?" In the age of the "Internet of Things," where does the citizen fit in? In this article from The Guardian, journalist Steven Poole takes a critical stance against the purported utopian ideals of smart cities. Poole delves into the nuances of who the smart city is truly meant to serve, questions the debate over whether it should develop along a top-down or bottom-up approach, and poses the provocative thought: "a vast network of sensors amounting to millions of electronic ears, eyes and noses - also potentially enable(s) the future city to be a vast arena of perfect and permanent surveillance by whomever has access to the data feeds." Questions of control, virtual reality, free-will, and hierarchies of power, Poole asserts are critical to the discussion of technology's powerful role in the future. Read the full article to learn more about the possible potential of the smart city to "destroy democracy," here.

Humorous Short Stories About Austin's Madcap Growth

Award-winning architect, writer, and professor David Heymann has just released his first work of fiction: My Beautiful City Austin. Composed of seven humorous tales, the stories document the misadventures of a young architect in Austin and his accidental involvement in the slow decimation of his city’s charms. Unable to deter his clients from their poor choices, the well-intentioned designer finds himself complicit. Using fiction, Heymann paints a sharply dynamic picture of the architectural consequences of Austin’s rapid growth and “rediscovered allure.” Check out the book, here.

The Berlage Archive: Toyo Ito (1999)

The Berlage Archive: Toyo Ito (1999) - Image 1 of 4

In this installment from the Berlage Institute, Toyo Ito opens a discussion on his traveling exhibition Blurring Architecture, the first iteration of which took place in Aachen. Explaining that architecture is often thought of as a very solid element, Ito meditates on the concept of distortion and shifts in contemporary ideas of architecture. Rather than considering architecture as static, he argues for an "ambiguous boundary" that is "not about form" but rather about the "conception of architecture." Considering the effects of the economy and politics on architecture, Ito pushes deep into philosophical notions of what architecture is and does, and how inquiry shapes the physical form of designs.

West 8 Set to Revitalize Colombia's Rio Cali Park

After forty years of social upheaval, Cali, Colombia is refocusing its attention on urban planning and revitalization. A steadily stabilizing economy has led to investment in the renewal of the public realm and transportation systems. Working to promote Cali's natural heritage, West 8 has teamed up with the Municipality of Cali to design the Rio Cali Park as part of an initiative called "A Dream to Cross a River." The project aims to integrate a safe, well-connected public space with a thriving urban center.

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SYAA Designs New Natural Science Museum Complex in Romania

SYAA Designs New Natural Science Museum Complex in Romania -  Science Center
View from Garden. Image Courtesy of SYAA

SYAA has just been named first prize winners for their design of a new Natural Science Museum Complex in Constanta, Romania. Proposed at an unprecedented scale for the region, the design seeks to become a significant destination in the Black Sea tourist industry. Incorporating features of an amusement and leisure park into the program of a science museum, SYAA proposes a building equipped to adapt to a diverse variety of public activities and events. Some of the primary functions will include an aquarium, dolphinarium, exotarium and tropical greenhouses, planetarium, and observatory.

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The Z Axis International Conference to Explore "Great City, Terrible Place" in India

Curated by the Charles Correa Foundation, the Z Axis is an annual conference bringing together pioneers, thought leaders, influencers, professionals, and students in the fields of architecture and urban design to create an intellectual community focused on issues related to the context of India and the developing world. Fifteen speakers will gather from across the globe to explore the theme of Great City…Terrible Place, including Charles Correa, David Adjaye, Alfredo Brillembourg of Urban Think Tank, Spain's "guerrilla architect" Santiago Cirugeda, Simone Sfriso of Studio TAM Associati and more.

Material Masters: Le Corbusier's Love for Concrete

Material Masters: Le Corbusier's Love for Concrete - Featured Image

To celebrate the first anniversary of our US Materials Catalog, this week ArchDaily is presenting a three-part series on "Material Masters," showing how certain materials have helped to inspire some of the world's greatest architects.

Le Corbusier's love affair with concrete, evident in a number of his nearly 75 projects, began early. Having already designed his first house, the Villa Fallet, at the age of just 17, in 1907 the young architect embarked on a series of travels throughout central Europe on a mission of artistic education. In Paris, he apprenticed at the office of Auguste Perret, a structural rationalist and pioneer of reinforced concrete, followed in 1910 by a short stint at Peter Behrens' practice in Berlin. These formative experiences initiated a life-long exploration of concrete in Le Corbusier’s work.

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Open Call for 2015 Women in Architecture Fund Award

Are you currently enrolled in a NAAB-accredited architecture program or other degree-granting institution? You may qualify for the 2015 WIA (Women in Architecture) Fund's Emerging Professional Inspiration Award, now open to all US-based and international applicants. Working to inspire emerging professionals, one woman at a time, the WIA Fund will award one national and one international professional with a cash grant to help further their career. Depending on the quality and quantity of entries, other awards may also be given. Entries will be shortlisted and winners will be selected by both a committee and the public via the WIA Fund Facebook page. Submissions are due January 10, 2015. For more details, visit their page, here.

OFIS Arhitekti Designs Cantilevered Cultural Space for Arvo Pärt Center

Awarded Special Mention "for its original concept and daring in thinking beyond the set bounds," OFIS Arhitekti's proposal for the Arvo Pärt Center, "MEIE AED" (Our Garden), is a combination of a pine tree, tree house, traditional house, nest, observatory, and floating bridge. A cultural center that incorporates a multitude of programs including concert space, archives, creative space, and a chapel, the building was conceived to converse closely with its forested natural surroundings.

OFIS Arhitekti Designs Cantilevered Cultural Space for Arvo Pärt Center - Cultural ArchitectureOFIS Arhitekti Designs Cantilevered Cultural Space for Arvo Pärt Center - Cultural ArchitectureOFIS Arhitekti Designs Cantilevered Cultural Space for Arvo Pärt Center - Cultural ArchitectureOFIS Arhitekti Designs Cantilevered Cultural Space for Arvo Pärt Center - Cultural ArchitectureOFIS Arhitekti Designs Cantilevered Cultural Space for Arvo Pärt Center - More Images+ 32

Video: Olafur Eliasson Discusses the Authorship of Reality in "Riverbed" Exhibition

"There are no real things. This is it. We are living in models and that's how it will always be and has always been... Who has authorship of reality? Who is then real?"

In this new video from Louisiana Channel, Olafur Eliasson meditates on the deeply philosophical questions posed by his provocative exhibition, Riverbed. Discussing themes such as the currency of trust, the authorship of reality through choice of perception, and the intricate relationships between museum, art, artist, and viewer, Eliasson sits within his own artificial landscape and recounts the deep inquiries that drive his work. Describing his views on the complexity of trust in the foundational value of the museum as an institution, Eliasson argues for the empowerment of the public. "If an audience feels trusted," he states, "then they dare to get involved."

Thibaudeau Architecte & Agence d'Architecture Guiraud-Manenc Design Sculptural Tourism Office in France

French firm Thibaudeau Architecte & Agence d'Architecture Guiraud-Manenc has earned second place for a competition to design the new tourism office for "Les Pays de Fontenay le Compte France." Designed to encourage tourism in South Vendée, the design merges a contemporary style with a consideration for the historic and artistic identity of the area.

Thibaudeau Architecte & Agence d'Architecture Guiraud-Manenc Design Sculptural Tourism Office in France - TourismThibaudeau Architecte & Agence d'Architecture Guiraud-Manenc Design Sculptural Tourism Office in France - TourismThibaudeau Architecte & Agence d'Architecture Guiraud-Manenc Design Sculptural Tourism Office in France - TourismThibaudeau Architecte & Agence d'Architecture Guiraud-Manenc Design Sculptural Tourism Office in France - TourismThibaudeau Architecte & Agence d'Architecture Guiraud-Manenc Design Sculptural Tourism Office in France - More Images+ 2

Video: A Conversation with the Architects of the 9/11 Memorial Museum

"Typically, museums are icons that contain exhibits. This is the inverse: the exhibit is the icon." 

Braunschweig Hortitecture Symposium to Explore Synergies of Architecture and Plant Material

Starting December 10, the Hortitecture 01 Symposium will kickstart a (free) public lecture series in Braunschweig, Germany, centered around brainstorming synergistic strategies for integrating architecture and vegetal matter. Stefano Boeri, MVRDV and WORKac are among a list of interdisciplinary experts that will join together to offer discussions focused around the exploration of vernacular wisdom and contemporary architectural solutions to sustainable building problems.

Winning Proposals "Reanimate the Ruins" of Detroit's Packard Motor Plant

Winning Proposals "Reanimate the Ruins" of Detroit's Packard Motor Plant - Image 2 of 4
Ecological Engineering Center Detroit. Image Courtesy of Parallel Projections

Parallel Projections has announced the winners of the Reanimate the Ruins competition, an international challenge to redesign and memorialize Detroit's historic Packard Motor Plant. The competition called for designers to simultaneously honor Detroit's history, while envisioning a future of technological, social, and aesthetic healing.

This year's jury has selected three winners and six honorable mentions. Read more after the break to explore the award-winning proposals.