Nico Saieh

Architect and Architectural Photographer based in Santiago, Chile


Winners of the Tallinn Vision Competition Street 2020

Winners of the Tallinn Vision Competition Street 2020 - Image 11 of 4
Peer to Peer / Warren Techentin Architecture (WTARCH)

Warren Techentin Architecture (WTARCH)’s entry “Peer-to-Peer” received the €3000 I prize of the Tallinn Vision competition STREET 2020, held under the auspices of TAB Tallinn Architecture Biennale.

Tallinn Vision competition STREET 2020 was addressed to young architects and architecture students who were asked to describe a fluently connected, compatible and diverse urban landscape, with a focus on one particular urban typology: the street. The organizers received 35 competition entries, 34 of which qualified. Entries were submitted from Japan, Bangladesh, New-Zealand, Turkey, Italy, Poland, USA, Austria, Lithuania, Estonia and other countries.

The architects from WTARCH describe their winning proposal after the break

Kaohsiung Port Station Urban Design Competition Winning Proposal by de Architekten Cie.

Kaohsiung Port Station Urban Design Competition Winning Proposal by de Architekten Cie. - Image 12 of 4
parkview 01

De Architekten Cie., Jason Lee and Patrick Koschuch, has won the open international Kaohsiung Port Station Urban Design competition in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

The competition was initiated by the city government of Kaohsiung to transform the derelict site of the old railyards and port station from a barrier between two important areas of the city (the Hamasen and Yancheng districts), into a connective piece of the urban fabric. The stated ambitions by the client for the 15.42 hectare site are to highlight the cultural heritage of the site’s former function while introducing new programmes and building volume to accommodate city expansion. These twin objectives are to be achieved in a phaseable and highly sustainable manner. Since a large portion of the site and existing railway buildings are designated as historical monuments, the central challenge of the brief was to strike a balance between the desire for cultural preservation/revitalization, introducing new development onto the site, and establishing enough connections across site to transform the area from an urban barrier into an urban connector.

Ruta del Peregrino Phase II Completed

Ruta del Peregrino Phase II Completed - Image 5 of 4
Sneak Peek © Iwan Baan

Looking back at the Easter Pilgrimage 2011 at Ruta del Peregrino, the most important event of the year, we are pleased to announce the final step of the second construction phase (you can check the complete project over here).

This year, for the first time, the pilgrims were able to use the finished viewpoint by HHF Architects, offering a new way to experience the site.

The sanctuary by Tatiana Bilbao and the viewpoint by Christ&Gantenbein are under construction; their presence will mark the completion of the entire Ruta within a few months.

All images by Iwan Baan and you can check his website for the full coverage.

Living Foz / dEMM Arquitectura

Living Foz / dEMM Arquitectura - Image 12 of 4
© Pedro Lobo

Living Foz / dEMM Arquitectura - Image 15 of 4Living Foz / dEMM Arquitectura - Image 9 of 4Living Foz / dEMM Arquitectura - Image 3 of 4Living Foz / dEMM Arquitectura - Image 5 of 4Living Foz / dEMM Arquitectura - More Images+ 16

Architects: dEMM Arquitectura, Paulo Fernandes da Silva
Location: Porto, Portugal
Collaborators: Isabela Neves, Tiago Soares Lopes
Structural Engineering: Gepec
Landscape Architect: arqt.OF, Daniel Monteiro
Electrical Engineering: Ohm-e
Mechanical Engineer: Get
Contractor: J. Camilo
Constructed Area: 12.000 sqm + courtyard
Project Year: 2008-2010
Photographs: FG+SG – Fernando Guerra, Sergio Guerra and Pedro Lobo

Rural Dining / Javier Rodriguez Acevedo

Rural Dining / Javier Rodriguez Acevedo - Image 16 of 4
© Javier Rodriguez Acevedo

Architect: Javier Rodriguez Acevedo Location: Los Niches, Curico, Chile Project Area: 21 sqm Budget: US $525 Project Year: 2010 Photographs: Javier Rodriguez Acevedo

In Progress: Dalian International Conference Center / Coop Himmelb(l)au

In Progress: Dalian International Conference Center / Coop Himmelb(l)au - Featured Image
© Coop Himmelb(l)au

Architects: Coop Himmelb(l)au Location: Dalian, China Design Principal: Wolf D. Prix Project Partner: Paul Kath (until 2010), Wolfgang Reicht Project Architect: Wolfgang Reicht Design Architect: Alexander Ott Design Team: Quirin Krumbholz, Eva Wolf, Victoria Coaloa Project Team: Nico Boyer, Liisi Salumaa, Anja Sorger, Vanessa Castro Vélez, Lei Feng, Reinhard Hacker, Jan Brosch, Veronika Janovska, Manfred Yuen, Matthias Niemeyer, Matt Kirkham, Peter Rose, Markus Wings, Ariane Marx, Wendy Fok, Reinhard Platzl, Debora Creel, Hui-Cheng, Jessie Chen, Simon Diesendruck, Yue Chen, Thomas Hindelang, Pola Dietrich, Moritz Keitel, Ian Robertson, Keigo Fukugaki, Gaspar Gonzalez Melero, Giacomo Tinari Model Building: Nam La-Chi, Paul Hoszowski, Taylor Clayton, Matthias Bornhofer, Katsyua Arai, Zhu Juankang, Lukas Allner, Phillip Reiner, Moritz Heinrath, Olivia Wimmer, Silja Wiener, Katrin Ertle, Maria Zagallo, Logan Yuen, André Nakonz, Arihan Senocak, Rashmi Jois, Sachin Thorat, Marc Werner 3D Visualization:, Vienna; Jens Mehlan & Jörg Hugo, Vienna Project Year: 2008-2011 Photographs: Markus Pillhofer

Video: Musealization of the Archaeological Site of Praça Nova of São Jorge Castle by JLCG Arquitectos

Once again, Vítor Gabriel shared with us this beautiful video of the Musealization of the Archaeological Site of Praça Nova of São Jorge Castle designed by portuguese architect João Luís Carrilho da Graça to preserve some archaeological discoveries – Iron Age settlement, Mediaeval Muslim occupation and a Fifteenth Century Palace – found in 1996. You can check the complete project material on our previous article, over here.

In Progress: Footbridge Over the Marne / DVVD

In Progress: Footbridge Over the Marne / DVVD - Image 10 of 4
© Courtesy of DVVD

Architects: DVVD / Daniel Vaniche, Vincent Dominguez, Bertrand Potel Location: Meaux, France Engineers: DVVD Landscape Architects: Mutabilis Client: City of Meaux Builders: Brisard Dampierre (framework) / Demathieu & Bard (concrete building) Construction Year: 2010-2011 Photographs & Images: Courtesy of DVVD

In Progress: The Cultural Center of European Space Technologies / Bevk Perovic arhitekti, Dekleva Gregoric arhitekti, OFIS arhitekti, Sadar Vuga arhitekti

In Progress: The Cultural Center of European Space Technologies / Bevk Perovic arhitekti, Dekleva Gregoric arhitekti, OFIS arhitekti, Sadar Vuga arhitekti - Image 12 of 4
@ Courtesy of the Architects

Architects: Bevk Perovic arhitekti, Dekleva Gregoric arhitekti, OFIS arhitekti, Sadar Vuga arhitekti Location: Vitanje, Slovenia Noordung Space Technologies Center concept & producer: Dragan Zivadinov, Miha Tursic Graphic design: Atelje Balant Client / project coordinator: Vitanje Community (for /Srecko Fijavz) Project Year: 2008-2011 Images & Photographs: Courtesy of OFIS architekti

Andalsnes Master Plan proposal / Jagnefält Milton

Andalsnes Master Plan proposal / Jagnefält Milton - Image 7 of 4
Rolling Hotel © Jagnefält Milton

Swedish architects Jagnefält Milton shared with us their proposal, awarded with the third prize in an open international master plan competition for the city of Åndalsnes in Norway.

A little description and more images after the break.

Update: Metropol Parasol / J. Mayer H. Architects

Update: Metropol Parasol / J. Mayer H. Architects - Image 4 of 4
© J. Mayer H. Architects

Spring 2011 marks the opening of “Metropol Parasol”, the Redevelopment of Plaza de la Encarnación in Sevilla, designed by J. MAYER H. Architects. After finishing the concrete works in 2008, the parasols are under construction now. Visiting the site at the moment gives an impressive imagination of the final dimension and appearance.

The project becomes the new icon for Sevilla, – a place of identification and to articulate Sevillas role as one of Spains most fascinating cultural destinations. “Metropol Parasol” explores the potential of the Plaza de la Encarnacion to become the new contemporary urban centre. Its role as a unique urban space within the dense fabric of the medieval inner city of Sevilla allows for a great variety of activities such as memory, leisure and commerce. A highly developed infrastructure helps to activate the square, making it an attractive destination for tourists and locals alike.

In Progress: Soumaya Museum / LAR

In Progress: Soumaya Museum / LAR - Image 14 of 4
© Adam Wiseman

Architects: LAR / Fernando Romero y Mauricio Ceballos Location: Mexico City, Mexico Project Team: Ana Medina, Herminio Gonzalez, Omar Gerala Félix, Sergio Rebelo, Ana Paula Herrera, Mario Mora, Juan Pedro López, Guillermo Mena, Libia Castilla, Raúl García, Manuel Díaz, Alan Aurioles, Ana Gabriela Alcocer, Luis Ricardo García, Ivan Ortiz, Tiago Pinto, Laura Dominguez, Juan Andres Lopez, Olga Gomez, Hugo Fernandez, Jason Sidelko, Eddy Slim, Nicola, Davolio, Lee Warren, Alexander Pena, Jacqueline Hernan- dez, Kosuke Osawa, Francisco Javier de la Vega, David Hernandez, Jorge Hernandez, Joaquín Collado, Mariana Tafoya, Eduardo Benítez, Pe- dro Lechuga, Thorsten Englert, Luís Fuentes, Luís Flores, Rodolfo Rueda, Víctor Chávez, Max Betancourt, Wonne Icks, Dolores Robles-Martínez, Sappho Van Laer, Ophelie Chassin, Elena Haller, Abril Tobar, Diego Eumir Jasso, Albert Beele, Homero Yánez, Cynthia Meléndez, Hugo Vela, Susana Hernández, Gerardo Galicia, Alberto Duran, Camilo Mendoza, Dafne Zvi Zaldívar, Cecilia Jiménez, Ángel Ortiz, Raúl Antonio Hernández, Alma Delfina Rosas, Wendy Guillen, Raúl Flores, Daniel Alejandro Farías, Jesús Monroy, Saúl Miguel Kelly, Iván Javier Avilés, Cesar Pérez Client: Grupo Carso / Museo Soumaya Façade: Gehry Technologies Engineer concept: ARUP Los Angeles Project Regency: Inpros Civil Constructor: PC Constructores Project Area: 17,000 sqm Project Year: 2010

Video: XVII Chilean Biennale

Visual artist Nicolás Rupcich shared with us this great video from the XVII Chilean Biennale designed by Emilio Marín.

AD Photographers: Joao Morgado

AD Photographers: Joao Morgado - Image 8 of 4
Call Center in Santo Tirso / Aires Mateus

In our AD Photographers section we are now featuring portuguese photographer Joao Morgado. Born in 1985, he has made his photographer career during the last 4 years, working regularly with offices from Portugal, Spain, Netherlands and Italy.

1. When and how did you start photographing architecture?

I always had a passion about photography but it became more intense during my studies in architecture.

Through that time, i visited a lot of buildings and i spent several hours a day in libraries absorbing architecture and somehow i missed something from the photos of the buildings i have visited before. Since then i became more and more interested, not only in my own point of view, but specially in the truth of architecture.

A couple of months later, i had an invitation from an editor to photograph buildings of three respect Portuguese architects for a yearbook publication: Aires Mateus, Promontorio and Menos é Mais.

Multiplicity and Memory: Talking About Architecture with Peter Zumthor

Multiplicity and Memory: Talking About Architecture with Peter Zumthor - Image 45 of 4
Peter Zumthor - Courtesy of Marco Masetti

This interview was completely conducted and translated by Marco Masetti, done as his bachelor’s degree thesis in Italy.

The idea of multiplicity is innate in Peter Zumthor’s projects since his very first works: works of art surrounding us put on various meanings, which do not always remain on parallel levels combining well with dialectical relationships. The vague is planned strictly, holding by the rules of the architectural language. Beauty is in the undetermined, the multiple, but it is obtainable only through precision. Multiplicity of objects is shown only when who is living with them can distinguish their single parts and, at the same time, can see the work in its wholeness. This throw back to the “unitary” character of architecture, in which every part is in relation with the others and together they give a sense to the project. Zumthor’s planning is pure: nothing is pointless. In this society, as the architect says, «architecture has to oppose resistance», and react to the naughtiness of shapes and meanings, and return to talk its own language. Original shape invention or particular composition doesn’t take to the truth. Between multiplicity and silence there’s a tense and vibrational relationship, and the concrete idea is in their equilibrium.

Things determine the spatial dimension of the world, and therefore its knowledge and usability to us. The project triggers a linking mechanism between things, so they can assume a meaning to the user, becoming an efficient tool to know of the world. Things, objects, the world of references, transform our sensations in remembrance. The pictures that come to mind enclose Zumthor’s research heart. Shape is the result, not the reason. Beauty doesn’t come out of the shape alone, but of the multiplicity of impressions, sensations and emotions that the shape has us to discover.

In Progress: PGGM Headquarters / Mateo Arquitectura

In Progress: PGGM Headquarters / Mateo Arquitectura - Featured Image
© Adrià Goula

Architects: Josep Lluís Mateo / Mateo Arquitectura Location: Zeist, Utrecht, The Netherlands Project Leaders: Markus Lauber, Till von Mackensen Project Area: 25,000 sqm offices, 25,000 sqm car park Project Year: 2010 Photographs: Adrià Goula

In Progress: Tori Tori Restaurant / Rojkind Arquitectos + ESRAWE Studio

In Progress: Tori Tori Restaurant / Rojkind Arquitectos + ESRAWE Studio - Image 31 of 4
© Glessner Group with artist Guido Torres

Architects: Rojkind Arquitectos + ESRAWE Studio Location: Polanco, Mexico City, Mexico Project Area: 629 sqm Design Year: 2009 Construction Year: 2009-2010 Renders: Glessner Group Photographs: Guido Torres & Rojkind Arquitectos

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Update: House 8 / BIG

Update: House 8 / BIG - Image 25 of 4
© Julien Lanoo

Belgian photographer Julien Lanoo share with us his photoset of House 8, the latests project by danish architects BIG, featured last week here on ArchDaily.

More photographs after the break.

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