JoAnn Locktov

JoAnn Locktov is the publisher of a trilogy of photography books about the contemporary city: Dream of Venice, Dream of Venice Architecture, and Dream of Venice in Black and White. Each explores the relevance of Venice through writers and architects, including Tadao Ando, Massimiliano Fuksas, Annabelle Selldorf, and Michele de Lucchi.


Venice on Her 1,600th Birthday

This article was originally published on Common Edge in 2021 to celebrate Venice's 1,600th birthday.

"We native Venetians and long-term residents number just over 50,000. We are dying out. Soon, we will disappear. The city prefers to be inhabited by someone else: not so much by other categories of human beings but by another way of being in the world.” – Tiziano Scarpa

March 25, 2021, dawned quietly in Venice. The city was still in full lockdown, a Zona Rossa. The Piazza was empty, the calli were eerily still. It was a subdued day to celebrate the birth of Venice. According to 16th century Venetian historian Marin Sanudo, the city was founded in 421 AD. In a city brought to a halt by the pandemic, the joyful clamor of bells ringing out across the city commemorating 1,600 years of existence was a welcome respite from the dreaded silence.

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