Inez Vilar


Andersen & Sigurdsson Architects’ Light Pavilion is on Display at the Danish Pavilion at the Venice Biennale

Commissioned by the Danish Foundation for Culture and Sports Facilities, Andersen & Sigurdsson Architects’ Light Pavilion design is open and transparent, encouraging participation. With an area of 1,200 square meters, the multi-purpose structure will house a range of planned and spontaneous activities. The architects’ vision was to create a space in which a multitude of events could take place in and around it.

While the actual structure is currently under construction, a model of the building is on display at the Danish Pavilion for the Venice Biennale, alongside 15 other models of buildings that are deemed to be a source of national pride. The theme for this year’s Danish pavilion focuses on "architecture that benefits local communities," a quality the Light Pavilion encapsulates.

Behind the Scenes: Building the American Copper Buildings' Skybridge

A new video by JDS Development Group, Building Knowhow: Skybridge, begins with an anecdote of a day when the firemen showed up at the site. “We got a call – the buildings are falling down!” the chief fireman told Michael Jones, director of JDS. Jones responded with a chuckle, "they're supposed to be like that!"

Located on the East Side of Manhattan, the American Copper Buildings, designed by New York-based SHoP Architects, test the boundaries of engineering. In an informative video, JDS Development Group documents the building of a skybridge between the towers, outlining their detail-oriented, step-by-step approach. Located 300 feet in the air, it is New York's first major skybridge in 80 years.