Ethel Baraona Pohl

Writer, critic, and curator. Co-founder of independent research practice and publishing house dpr-barcelona, and was editor at the architecture magazine Quaderns d'arquitectura i urbanisme between 2011 and 2016.


Crane Rooms / Aristide Antonas

Crane Rooms / Aristide Antonas - Image 12 of 4

Simple concrete foundations and elementary water pools are proposed by Aristide Antonas in collaboration with Katerina Koutsogianni, to be installed in non hospitable beaches or arid hills nearby the sea.

Phare Tower / Morphosis Achitects

Phare Tower / Morphosis Achitects - Image 9 of 4

Architecture: Morphosis Architects Location: Puteaux, France Project Principal (through Design Development): Tim Christ Project Director: Charles Lamy Project Manager: Matt Grady Project Architect: David Rindlaub Project Designer: Chandler Ahrens Client: Unibail Program: Commercial office tower with office space, employee restaurants, public café, trading floors, public amenities, and parking for 450 cars Type: Commercial Constructed Area: 185,494 sqm Design Year: 2006-2009 Construction Year: 2010-2014 Images: Morphosis Architects Texts: Thom Mayne and Morphosis More info:

In progress: Porta Fira towers in Plaza Europa by Toyo Ito

In progress: Porta Fira towers in Plaza Europa by Toyo Ito - Image 20 of 4

The extension of the fira de barcelona in montjuïc is planned half inside and half outside Barcelona’s municipal term, at the back of the Montjuïc hill, following the Gran Via avenue straight to L’Hospitalet de Llobregat.

Japanese architect Toyo Ito won the competition for the masterplan of the project.

Korkeasaari Zoo / Beckmann-N’Thépé architects - TN+ landscape designers

Architect: Beckmann-N’Thépé architects – Aldric Beckmann, Françoise N’thépé Landscape design : TN+ / Bruno Tanant & Jean-Christophe Nani Location: Helsinki, Finland Project Manager: Wilfried Daufy Project Architect: Anne-Catherine Dufros Assistant Architects: Constance Héau, Jessica Pallatier Landscape design team: Guillaume Derrien & Agathe Turmel Zoo expert: Jean Marc Lernould Constructed Area: 26,2 ha

Korkeasaari Zoo / Beckmann-N’Thépé architects - TN+ landscape designers - Image 4 of 4

The zoological island of Korkeasaari will be cut off again. Its architectural interventions will be concentrated to make it wild and mysterious once more – a park / garden as a place of popular privilege, the nobility of the future city.

Ordos Hilton Hotel / VMX Architects

Ordos Hilton Hotel / VMX Architects - Image 10 of 4

In commission for the Jiang Yuan Water Engineering Company, VMX Architects designed a contemporary international hotel for the city of Ordos. By not only relying upon the logic of and philosophies behind famous hotel concepts, but also taking into account the specific context of Ordos, the new Hilton Hotel aims on transcending the generic and at the same time symbolizing the spirit of Inner Mongolia.

ORDOS 100 #11: NL Architects

ORDOS 100 #11: NL Architects - Image 8 of 4

This villa is located in plot ORDOS project.

Architects: NL Architects – Pieter Bannenberg, Walter van Dijk, Kamiel Klaasse Location: Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China Project leader: Michael Schoner Project team: Jung-Hwa Cho, Gen Yamamoto, Florent Le Corre, Wei-Nien Chen, Amadeo Linke Structural Engineer: ABT Delft, Walter Spangenberg Climate Consultant: DGMR, Paul van Bergen Design year: 2008 Construction year: 2009 Curator: Ai Weiwei, Beijing, China Client: Jiang Yuan Water Engineering Ltd, Inner Mongolia, China Constructed Area: 1,000 sqm aprox

ORDOS 100 #8: R&Sie(n)

ORDOS 100 #8: R&Sie(n) - Image 29 of 4

This villa is located in plot ORDOS project.

Architects: R&Sie(n) Location: Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China Architects in Charge: Francois Roche, Stephanie Lavaux, Toshikatsu Kiuchi Design year: 2008 Construction year: 2009 Curator: Ai Weiwei, Beijing, China Client: Jiang Yuan Water Engineering Ltd, Inner Mongolia, China Constructed Area: 1,000 sqm aprox

Green Void / LAVA

Green Void / LAVA - Image 25 of 4

Architects: LAVA – Chris Bosse, Tobias Wallisser and Alexander Rieck Location: Sydney, Australia Project year: 2008 Project Team: Chris Bosse, Tobias Wallisser, Alexander Rieck Collaborators: Jarrod Lamshed, Esan Rahmani, Kim Ngoc Nguyen, Anh Dao Trinh, Erik Escalante Mendoza, Pascal Tures, Mi Jin Chun, Andrea Dorici Materials: Specially treated high-tech Nylon and light Area: 300 sqm Volume: 3,000 sqm Fabrication and installation: Mak Max Photographs: LAVA

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Waterflux / R&Sie(n)

Waterflux / R&Sie(n) - Image 10 of 4

Architects: R&Sie(n) Location: Évolène, Switzerland Creative Team: François Roche, Stéphanie Lavaux, Jean Navarro Engineer: Guscetti & Tournier, Geneva Interior Design: R&Sie(n) + Mathieu Lehanneur (furnitures) Museum design concept and apparatus: Mathieu Lehanneur Key dimensions: 1,000 sqm Client: Maison des Alpes, Public Foundation Photographs: François Roche/R&Sie(n)

“Mais voilà qu’en travers de notre route se dressa une silhouette voilée, de proportions beaucoup plus vaste que celles d’aucun habitant de la terre. Et la couleur de la peau de la silhouette était de la blancheur parfaite de la neige… ” E. A. Poe, les Aventures de Gordon Pym, traduction C. Baudelaire.

I LOVE GITMO / zerOgroup

I LOVE GITMO / zerOgroup - Image 5 of 4

In reaction to US President-elect Barack Obama’s Sunday’s declaration on CBS ’60 minutes’ on 16.11.2008 (his first sit-down interview since winning the November 4 presidential election) where he has confirmed his intention to close Guantanamo’s Detention Center, zerOgroup made this proposal, called ‘I LOVE GITMO’ to upgrade the American enclave in Cuba into a mass tourism destination.

The ‘I LOVE GITMO’ proposal is one of the works that have been elaborated at the ‘Con Embargo Sin Embargo’ workshop organized by Supersudaca, supported by the Prins Claus Fund, and held at the IaaC Barcelona (Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalunya) in September 2008.

Heineken The City / Tjep

Heineken The City / Tjep - Image 8 of 4

Size: 250 m2 Design: Tjep Project team: Frank Tjepkema, Janneke Hooymans, Tina Stieger, Leonie Janssen Production: Hypsos Location: Amsterdam

What do you do when Heineken asks you to design their first shop? Do you place furniture and displays into a given space? At Tjep, they thought it would be rather more appropriate to pour furniture into the six monumental buildings located in the heart of Amsterdam, as if we were filling a cold fresh glass of X-tra cold Heineken.