Enrique Tovar


Laminated Glass Skylights Infused with Vibrant Colors: The Kaleidoscopic Station

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Light and color are intrinsically linked, as color cannot exist without the presence of light. In 1665, Isaac Newton made a momentous discovery when he observed that white light breaks down into different colors as it passes through a prism, creating a spectrum. This discovery laid the foundation for understanding the nature of light and developing color theory, which had a significant impact not only in the scientific field but also in artistic disciplines such as painting, photography and architecture.

Energetic Retrofitting: A Solution for Environmental Obsolescence in Architecture

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Architecture is a continually evolving form of human expression influenced by cultural and contextual factors. While many of the problems we face today aren't directly linked to architecture, it has the ability to provide or facilitate solutions to these challenges. This has been evident throughout history, as societal issues have played a significant role in shaping our built environments. For instance, during the Victorian era, the infamous "Great Stink" led to the modernization of London's drainage system and urban layout. Similarly, the 2008 recession gave rise to the sharing economy and coworking spaces. Nowadays, the climate crisis is transforming the way we conceive architecture, seeking to reduce the carbon footprint of buildings and cities to achieve the Paris Agreement objectives. Given this backdrop, what challenges should we expect in the future?

Climate-Proof Architecture: Supertextured Cladding for Extreme Conditions

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One of the primary functions of architecture is to provide shelter, fulfilling the physiological and safety needs at the base of Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of human motivation. Throughout history, the need for shelter has been evident in our ancestors’ behavior, who sought refuge in caves to protect themselves from weather conditions and predators. As societies shifted from a nomadic to a sedentary lifestyle and basic needs were easily met, shelters became more advanced, evolving into purpose-built spaces. These early shelters withstood the elements of their time and laid the foundation for modern architecture as we know it today.

Today, extreme weather conditions due to climate change are testing cities, buildings and materials. Venice is flooding, and the Svalbard Global Seed Vault is experiencing melting ice. Without action, conditions will continue to worsen, increasing the need for efficient strategies that allow us to coexist with the environment and to develop more resistant materials for our buildings. An example of these materials of the future is NATURCLAD-B, a high-quality, maintenance-free wood panel system designed for architecture, interior design and construction.

Creating Decorative, Long-Lasting Facades with Natural Wood and Technology

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Solid wood, which has been used since prehistoric times and is still highly valued today, is extracted directly from trees without undergoing any lamination, pressing, or gluing processes. While it remains a universally used material in architecture, its widespread use has led to an increased demand and less efficient resource management. Therefore, solutions are being sought to optimize its use in production processes and reduce its consumption without losing its capabilities and characteristic beauty. To address issues such as warping, aging, and high environmental costs associated with solid wood, materials like Technowood have been developed. Combining technology and super-strength composites with natural wood veneers, Technowood maintains the beauty and characteristics of solid wood, but with greater durability and a sustainable approach, making it a suitable alternative.

Immersive Learning: From Novice to Designer at SCI-Arc's Architecture Program

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Providing an overview of the profession and discipline of architecture can be a complex task given the diversity of people's backgrounds, personal interests, and experimentation techniques. Therefore, many processes related to architecture are based on speculation and innovation, taking the initiative to reimagine established limits. Architecture schools, such as École des Beaux-Arts, Vkhutemas, and Paulista School, were progressive schools of their time that developed their style led by experimental and curious minds. Thanks to these experimental processes, each developed its architectural style, characterized by factors such as philosophy, location, and the era in which the school was born.

Since its creation in Santa Monica in 1972, the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) has been a world-renowned center of innovation and one of the few independent schools of architecture in the United States. It excels in challenging its students through various programs to stretch their imaginations by experimenting with non-traditional materials and approaches. Through the renowned Making+Meaning program, SCI-Arc provides an immersive introduction to students and creative professionals from diverse disciplines, who have the opportunity to explore the field of design and emphasize the fundamentals of experimentation and architecture. The return to face-to-face teaching this year infuses new energy into the program for both students and instructors, given the value of collaborating in a physical space for the development of studio-based projects.

Pushing the Limits of Bathroom Furnishing Through Tailor-Made Design

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Throughout history, the functional essence of bathrooms has remained unchanged due to their design being shaped by biological parameters. Initially, the function of bathrooms was solely related to hygiene and waste management, resulting in the conception of bathrooms as unhealthy and merely utilitarian spaces. This led to their separation from the rest of the spaces designated for coexistence.

However, the implementation of water supply systems and general drainage networks has vindicated the role of bathrooms in living spaces. They have acquired a primordial role in design proposals for interior design and reflect the user's personality through the combination of colors, coverings, accessories and decorative elements. In the evolution of bathroom design, proposals that stand out for their formal cleanliness, multiple nuances, subtle coexistence of elements, and customization possibilities have emerged. Brands like antoniolupi have developed bathroom furnishings that integrate these proposals and take the limits of design much further by collaborating with renowned architects and designers like Paolo Ulian, Brian Sironi, Luca Galofaro, and Mario Ferrarini, just to mention a few. Continuing with this series of collaborations, Carlo Colombo was in charge of developing Borderline.

The Threshold Between Daylight and Architecture: Flat Roof Access Hatches

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Beyond light as a physical phenomenon perceptible by the human eye, daylight is an inexhaustible architectural resource that is sometimes taken for granted. Just like the air we breathe, we are all aware of the existence of light, but rarely do we seek to do anything else with it. It is essential to recognize its presence as an enabler of experiences in space, due to its intrinsic relationship with architecture and human beings.

The incidence of light in architecture directly influences the way we perceive the passage of time. Since ancient times, constructions such as ziggurats have integrated strategies to capture the changing daylight through their roofs, evolving and remaining present in modern constructions such as the Villa Savoye. More recently, the flatness of roofs in contemporary buildings has been a great resource for incorporating architectural elements that also allow them to be inhabited, such as roof access hatches, which serve as a link between natural light and roof terraces.

Below, we review some of the latest technologies in skylights and access hatches, such as those developed by LAMILUX.