Eduardo Souza

Brands and Materials Senior Editor. Architect and Master from Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).


Improving Concrete Durability for Critical Applications

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Concrete, second only to water, is the most consumed material worldwide due to its structural strength, ease of handling, and versatility. Comprised of cement, sand, gravel, and water, it is extensively used in construction projects of various scales. However, even this resilient material can deteriorate over time, necessitating maintenance or, in severe cases, demolition. Abrasion and erosion are factors that can adversely affect the appearance of concrete, remove its protective layer, create a rough surface, and potentially lead to structural issues. These challenges are particularly critical in large and complex construction sites, where any irregularities or unevenness can result in significant losses and complications for architects, engineers, and contractors.

What's the Water Footprint of Your Architecture Project?

As awareness of water scarcity, water stress and environmental sustainability grows around the world, the concept of "water footprint" is becoming increasingly relevant. Unlike its more popular cousin, "carbon footprint", which focuses on greenhouse gas emissions, the water footprint (WF) provides a holistic view of water used throughout the life cycle of a product, process, or activity. It measures the amount of water consumed (directly and indirectly) and polluted –taking into account different types of water resources– and serves as a valuable tool for companies, policymakers, and individuals to understand and address their water-related impacts. There are even online calculators that measure our individual footprints through simple questions about our homes, appliances and even eating habits.

Clay as a Sustainable Raw Material for High Quality and Durable Pavers

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Composed of very fine mineral particles and formed through the weathering and erosion of rocks over long periods of time, clay has properties that make it useful for a wide range of applications. When wet, it becomes extremely malleable and plastic, and can be molded into different shapes. When dry, it is hard and rigid, and is widely used for construction and ceramics. Clay pavers are quite common for outdoor use due to their durability, resistance to weather and traffic, their natural hues and ease of installation.

8 Common Building Access Requirements for Architectural Projects

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In medieval cities, walls played a crucial function, acting both as a defense against external threats and as a symbol of power and control, while also regulating local trade. The access to the interior of these cities was strictly controlled by guarded gates, drawbridges, and portcullises, ensuring the free flow of local residents and simultaneously obstructing travelers and potential invaders. While fortified towers and armed guards are now primarily associated with prisons, creating access conditions that promote security, reliability, and practicality remains a challenge for architects and designers, especially in complex infrastructure projects such as airports, hospitals, and educational centers. 

Pump Stations: A Practical and Cost-Effective Solution for Wastewater Management

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Ancient civilizations like the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans understood long ago the importance of sanitation and wastewater management, building elaborate sewage systems by using underground drainage channels to carry wastewater away from their cities. These systems relied on gravity to transport wastewater to nearby bodies of water, since water cannot flow upward without being pumped. Today, many sewage systems continue using gravity in a similar way, with a suitable slope that facilitates the flow of wastewater downhill to treatment facilities or other infrastructure. This also occurs inside private lots, where a height difference is needed between the building's piping and the urban drainage or sewage system. But there are times when the available height difference is not sufficient, or when the system is lower than necessary, causing gravity to get in the way, and making the system impossible to function in turn.

Sustainable Design and Technology: The Use of Porcelain Surfaces in a Luxury Building in Dubai

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When it comes to buildings, there are several factors that contribute to creating something truly luxurious: attention to detail, use of premium, high-quality materials, and unique designs. Lately, the environmental impact of building decisions has also entered heavily into this equation, and the development of a luxury project requires all steps and products to take sustainability into account. At One Za'abeel, the new addition to the Dubai skyline, the careful choice of all solutions, manufacturers and surfaces had a direct influence on the final look and atmosphere of the building, which aims to be an urban landmark and raise the standard of buildings in the UAE.

From Agro-Waste to Sustainable Structures: Concrete Alternatives Made from Sugarcane

Finding effective and valuable solutions for agricultural waste management has been an inspiring challenge for researchers. By-products from monocultures, such as residues from soybean production, corn cobs, straw, sunflower seeds, and cellulose, are often destined for soil composting, used as animal feed, or even converted into energy in order to reduce waste and mitigate the environmental impacts associated with agricultural activities. Sugarcane production, for example, generates a significant amount of by-products, totaling about 600 million tons of bagasse fiber waste from an annual production of two billion tons of sugarcane. This by-product has a promising potential to replace energy-intensive building systems, such as concrete and brick, by providing building materials that combine sustainability and structural efficiency.

With this perspective in mind, the University of East London (UEL), in partnership with Grimshaw Architects and manufacturer Tate & Lyle Sugar, has developed an innovative building material called Sugarcrete™. The aim of the project is to explore sustainable building solutions by recycling biological by-products from sugarcane, which in turn reduces carbon emissions in the construction industry – all while prioritizing social and environmental sustainability during the production and implementation of these building materials.

Balancing Form and Function: The Art of Designing a Good Chair

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Designing a good chair is a much more challenging task than we might think. To begin with, several factors must be addressed, such as ergonomics, aesthetics, materials, functionality and durability. In addition, it is essential to define the purpose for which it will be used: an office chair has different requirements than a reading armchair or a dining chair, for example. Only when all these elements are carefully balanced and thought-out can you achieve a truly excellent chair. And often, a good design can end up triggering many other variations throughout the years.

The Workspaces of the Future Should Prioritize People’s Well-being

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How can a space that is no longer essential become valued again? The traditional office as we know it is disappearing with the changes brought about by technological advances and globalization, all of which was accelerated by the impositions of the pandemic. As living and working become inseparable activities and hybrid, flexible work arrangements are now the norm in many fields, offices will need to become increasingly sustainable, healthier, and also more comfortable. But how can architects and designers design workspaces so that people will continue to want to inhabit them? What solutions and furnishings can meet the needs of occupants, with flexible solutions that can adapt to a variety of activities and purposes?

From Disposability to Durability: A New Life for Timeless Design Objects

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By operating in closed cycles, circular design goes beyond the traditional linear concept of "extracting, producing, consuming and discarding", and seeks to create more sustainable and efficient systems throughout the life cycle of a product. Through the principles of reduction, reuse, recycling and regeneration, it can minimize the environmental impact of a product from the very first stages of its life: with the choice of more sustainable, durable materials; by minimizing waste during production; by promoting reuse and repair during its use; and at the disposal phase, with the efficient recycling of materials that can be reintroduced to the production chain. The adoption of circular design has gained strength in the industry, but despite the many advances and initiatives, it is still rare to see concrete examples of its implementation.

360-degree Cameras for Realistic Architectural Documentation

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While most architectural critics and theorists agree that architecture can only really be learned on site –by experiencing its volumes, textures, sounds and smells– hardly anyone would have the time and resources to see all the projects they would like to in person. Ways of documenting a building or a city have aroused the curiosity of painters, photographers and artists throughout history. From the traditional classical portrait with perfectly adjusted proportions to disruptive forms such as Michael Wesely's long exposure images, Heinz Emigholz's experimental film set, or Tuca Vieira's Photographic Atlas of the city of São Paulo, there are myriad ways to portray the built environment. 360° cameras bring yet another set of possibilities to documenting architecture and urban scenes. We spoke to Romullo Fontenelle, architect and architectural photographer, who tested the new RICOH THETA X 360° camera and provided an account of how this technology can improve the efficiency and precision of his design processes.

Vertical Boldness: Transforming Access Doors Into Works of Art

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Verticality in architecture conveys aesthetic, symbolic and cultural meanings, representing concepts such as elegance, sophistication, modernity, progress and technological advancement. In religious buildings, for example, it symbolizes greatness and a connection with the divine. These strategies are very common in Gothic architecture, as well as Art déco buildings or even the skyscrapers of Mies van der Rohe. But these elements need not be restricted to grandiose constructions. Even in single-family homes, working with elements that refer to verticality can be just as useful, playing with volumes and facades or working with openings, such as windows and doors.

Heating Outdoor Areas Without Compromising on Visual Appeal

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Outdoor dining and activities have gained increasing appreciation in recent years. We value the sense of freedom and adventure, and the possibility of socialization that they provide, as well as the connection with nature. As a result, outdoor spaces are becoming more popular in residential and commercial designs, as new features made specifically for these types of spaces can enhance the comfort and well-being of occupants. This is because when dealing with nature there can be a variety of inconveniences related to weather, such as wind, rain, or cold temperatures. In order to properly enjoy these areas all year-round, solutions can usually include outdoor heating. However, typical heaters tend to have clumsy and old-fashioned designs, detracting from the careful design of the rest of the environment.

Improving Acoustics in Shared Spaces with Sound Absorbing Materials

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Acoustical comfort is a critical element of interior design that should never be neglected, especially in shared spaces such as restaurants, convention centers, museums, sports halls, and many others. Good acoustics can contribute to the occupants' well-being and productivity, while poor acoustics can lead to stress, fatigue, and even hearing damage. This can occur due to external noise, from various sound sources, or impacts (such as footsteps, jumping or moving furniture), but also due to the reflection of sound waves inside the environment, generating echoes and reverberations and reducing the intelligibility of speech in space.

Infinite Combinations: Bathroom Moodboards for Inspiration

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Impressionist artists used the effect of "Optical Mixing" to create the illusion of color. By using short, separate brushstrokes of pure tones directly onto the canvas, the colors visually blended together as the observers moved away from the painting. For example, when painting a body of water, Claude Monet might have applied strokes of pure blue to represent the shadow areas and strokes of yellow to represent the light areas, which created the illusion of a green color, even though the painter had not actually added that particular hue to the canvas. In other words, each brushstroke has its own specific role in a painting, but also works for the whole image that is being created, through a careful choice of the elements present in the artist's palette.

Something similar happens with moodboards for spaces. Like a painter's palette, they are valuable tools for interior designers in the process of creating inspiring and functional spaces, allowing them to combine dissonant and unusual elements in favor of a harmonious whole. As a collage of visual elements, colors, typography, images, and words, carefully selected to represent the overall "mood" of the design, they assist in interior design decisions: materials and colors, coordination of design elements, exploration of concepts, and communication with the client, while also inspiring and directing the designer's creativity.