Alison Furuto


'AFTER' Exhibition / kelly behun | STUDIO

'AFTER' Exhibition / kelly behun | STUDIO - Featured Image
Poured resin side table by kelly behun | STUDIO after Lynda Benglis. Photo Credit: Alex P. White

R 20th Century is pleased to present AFTER, curated by Kelly Behun and Alex P. White of kelly behun|STUDIO. AFTER, which is on view September 19-October 27, will feature works from kelly behun|STUDIO, one of the most innovative, experimental design studios working today, and R 20th Century, one of the leading galleries for the exhibition of historic and contemporary design.

Designs in the exhibition draw inspiration from methods of sampling, appropriation, and deconstruction and how these ideas relate to postmodern notions of authorship. AFTER acknowledges “reference” in ways that are alternately direct, irreverent, poetic and oblique. More information on the exhibition after the break.

Think Space: Past Forward Call for Papers

Think Space: Past Forward Call for Papers - Featured Image
Courtesy of Think Space

The Think Space Past Forward Programme just launched its very first Call for Papers, dedicating itself to writing and publishing critically about architecture. Known for using design competitions, exhibitions, symposiums and publications as its tools, they are leaning on historical discourse which normally takes the form of reflection through writing for the very first time. The deadline for abstracts is September 10 with the final paper due no later than October 10. More information after the break.

Curo Garden / Raumlabor

Curo Garden / Raumlabor - Image 7 of 4
© Stefanie De Clercq

The 2012 edition of Parckdesign, a biennial event dedicated to green space planning initiated by Brussels Environment and the Brussels Ministry for Environment, Energy and Urban Renovation, aims to reinterpret industrial wastelands, leftover spaces and interstices in Brussels. With this challenge, Raumlabor chose to open the gates to the spacious and pleasant courtyard of Curo Hall and to extend the public space by planning a whole series of concerted developments to comply with the uses of the local associations (whose activity is usually little known to the inhabitants of the neighborhood). More images and architects’ description after the break.

Housing Development / kit Architects

Housing Development / kit Architects - Image 8 of 4
Courtesy of kit Architects

Designed by kit Architects, in collaboration with schibliholenstein architekten, the winning proposal for a 33 apartment housing development in Nuerensdorf, Zurich, Switerland consists of six buildings, which occupy the land equally. The loose alternating arrangement allows multiple connections to the open countryside in the north and to the garden framed single and multi-family dwellings in the immediate neighborhood. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Reframe / Paul Scales and Atelier Kit

Reframe / Paul Scales and Atelier Kit - Image 9 of 4
© Pierre Berthelomeau

Created by Paul Scales and Atelier Kit for the 7th annual ‘Le Festival des Architectures Vives ’ in Montpellier, France, Reframe explores the theme of ‘surprise’ through the creation of an object that reframes the relation of the visitor to the space, the historic architecture and the other visitors. The festival is comprised of an architectural walking tour through the historic city center where heritage sites are opened up to modern architecture. Visitors experience a shift from the position of observer to observed, from control to controlled and willingly or not, become engaged in a game of surprise and be surprised. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Peabody's St John's Hill Estate / Hawkins\Brown

Peabody's St John's Hill Estate / Hawkins\Brown - Image 2 of 4
Courtesy of Hawkins\Brown

The regeneration of Peabody’s St John’s Hill Estate in South London, designed by Hawkins\Brown, was recently granted planning permission. The masterplan reintegrates the site to its immediate surroundings. A new pedestrian avenue connecting the station to the common includes two public squares: one at the center of the scheme, the other opposite the station. The central square provides a large public space activated by a community hub. The application, which was submitted to the London Borough of Wandsworth, has involved close consultation with residents, a number of other local groups, and the local authority. More images and architects’ description after the break.

[BUENOS AIRES] New Contemporary Art Museum Competition Results

[BUENOS AIRES] New Contemporary Art Museum Competition Results - Image 19 of 4
1st place / Courtesy of Shelby Ponce & Eduardo Ponce

Hosted by [AC-CA], the results were recently announced for their New Contemporary Art Museum competition. With the aim of a design for a new art museum in the heart of the city, Shelby Ponce & Eduardo Ponce took the first place award, which successfully engages and establishes a cultural dialogue with the urban fabric surrounding it. As the capital of Argentina and located on the western shore of the estuary of the Río de la Plata, the city is an important economic center. Its architecture is a combination of different styles which gives it a unique architectural beauty. More images and information on the winning proposals after the break.

Arena Cuiabá / GCP Arquitetos

Arena Cuiabá / GCP Arquitetos - Image 17 of 4
© Neorama / ALMA Estúdio

Replacing the existing Stadium Governador José Fragelli, the new Arena Cuiabá, designed by GCP Arquitetos, is aimed at being an instrument of urban renewal and a legacy for future generations. By transforming this area, which is currently far away from it’s major potential, they have created a landmark park for sports, culture, education and leisure to the Mato Grosso State capital, Cuiabá. Occupying an area of approximately 300,000 sqm, the unusual Arena´s bowl footprint, with four open corners, is the result of a design strategy, which allowed the solution of several issues, such as giving the desired flexibility of a smaller capacity Arena for the legacy mode and local environmental constrains. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Wine Concept Store / COMPLEX CITY

Wine Concept Store / COMPLEX CITY - Image 10 of 4
Courtesy of COMPLEX CITY

COMPLEX CITY shared with us their Wine Concept Store which is focused around three basic concepts: the vertical, the visual, and sensitivity. The image of the vine and its linearity are the starting point of this verticality that is reflected in the facade while the curve expresses a sensitivity related to a sensory awareness that takes place during the taste of wine. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Singapore University of Technology and Design – Student Housing and Sports Complex / LOOK Architects

Singapore University of Technology and Design – Student Housing and Sports Complex / LOOK Architects - Image 14 of 4
Courtesy of LOOK Architects

LOOK Architects, in collaboration with Surbana International Consultants, has put forth the winning design proposal for Singapore University of Technology and Design’s (SUTD) new student housing and sports facilities, envisioning a spatial framework that embraces creative liberty and possibilities. Drawing a parallel to traditional Chinese painting (empty space being regarded as a spatial element sharing equal if not greater importance as solid figuration), voids are seen as spaces for imagination to thrive. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Venice Biennale 2012: 'Inter Cities / Intra Cities: GHOSTWRITING THE FUTURE' Exhibition

Venice Biennale 2012: 'Inter Cities / Intra Cities: GHOSTWRITING THE FUTURE' Exhibition - Featured Image
Courtesy of Hong Kong Institute of Architects and Hong Kong Arts Development Council

Organized by Hong Kong Institute of Architects and Hong Kong Arts Development Council as a collateral event at the Venice Biennale 2012, the “Inter Cities / Intra Cities: GHOSTWRITING THE FUTURE” exhibition focus upon the vital urban, architectural, and cultural regeneration of Kowloon East in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong based architectural practice, Oval Partnership, has been appointed as curator of the Hong Kong exhibition which takes the 320 hectare Kowloon East regeneration area as its subject; one of the largest urban regeneration projects in Asia, and a district based around the ghost of a former airport. The opening ceremony will be held on Monday, August 27, 2012 (Arsenale, Campo della Tana, Castello 2126 in Venice, Italy). If you are interested in participating, please let me know. I will inform you as soon as possible of the opening time and I will reserve an invitation for you. The exhibition will be open to the public until November 25, 2012.

Urban Constellation - Museum of Contemporary Architecture Exhibition Scheme / K/R Architects

Urban Constellation - Museum of Contemporary Architecture Exhibition Scheme / K/R Architects - Image 18 of 4
Courtesy of K/R Architects

Our overall planning concept by K/R Architects is composed of three interrelated parts. First, their intention is to create exhibits that define the Urban Constellation Museum of Contemporary Architecture (UC-MoCA) as an institution that consistently reflects and promotes contemporary urban culture. Second, architectural exhibits should educate through experience which is the most effective and memorable way to reach multiple audiences. Thirdly, their goal is to develop our planning concept in such a way that it harmoniously respects the importance of the historic industrial shed, the requirements of the definitive program and the architect’s concept design documents. More images and architects’ description after the break.

'Designing in Dialogue – Architectural Answers' Exhibition / gmp Architekten

'Designing in Dialogue – Architectural Answers' Exhibition / gmp Architekten - Image 3 of 4
© gmp

Since Meinhard von Gerkan and Volkwin Marg founded their architectural practice von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) in Hamburg in 1965, they have carried out projects in almost all large cities in Germany and on four continents. The Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói (MAC) presents an overview of gmp’s work with the international touring exhibition “Designing in Dialogue – Architectural Answers”, which is on now until to August 5. Sketches and drawings provide an idea of the initial conceptual thoughts, models present designs in their three dimensions and photos by well known architectural photographers document the completed buildings. More architects’ description after the break.

Science and Technology Park / idcode

Science and Technology Park / idcode - Image 7 of 4
Courtesy of idcode

Designed by idcode, the Science and Technology Park, located in Opole, Poland, is a combination of the horizontal character of the building with the existing landscape of suburban fields. By creating a landscape project in which the field and discussion form a functional space of fields, the modules arranged on site create a space of integration and communication between office modules. The objective and main goal of the strategy is to create a typology of offices to promote human interaction and communication to promote creative work. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Barrio Capital: A Public Skyscraper / Molcajete. Urban Think Tank

Barrio Capital: A Public Skyscraper / Molcajete. Urban Think Tank - Image 12 of 4
Courtesy of Molcajete. Urban Think Tank

As the first step of an urban acupuncture strategy, the Barrio Capital: A Public Skyscraper in the heart of Mexico City taps into some of the city’s most pressing problems. Designed by Molcajete. Urban Think Tank, the project responds to several urban problems, such as the lack of public space per inhabitant, insufficient parking space, and, above all, the scarce interaction between people from different socio-economical levels who share a defined territory within the city. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Video: Genre de Vie - A documentary film about bicycles, cities and personal awareness

Produced by Jorrit Spoelstra and Sven Prince, Genre de Vie is a documentary film about bicycles, cities and personal awareness. Shown in the video above, they document urban life empowered by the simplicity of the bicycle by looking at desired spaces and our own impact to the process of it. At a time when we are facing environmental issues more than ever before, this film creatively explores how the bicycle contributes to the future livability of cities and brings more awareness to the public.

SAC Federal Credit Union New Corporate Headquarters / Leo A Daly

SAC Federal Credit Union New Corporate Headquarters / Leo A Daly - Image 13 of 4
Courtesy of Leo A Daly

Leo A Daly, the well-known international architecture, planning, engineering, interior design and program management firm, was chosen by the SAC Federal Credit Union, Nebraska’s largest credit union, to provide design and engineering services for its new corporate headquarters campus in Papillion, Nebraska. Their design for the headquarters reflects SAC’s close culture, collaborative work environment and its commitment to the community. The headquarters will rest on a strong brick foundation, a metaphorical representation of SAC’s member-owner base. More images and architects’ description after the break.

National and University Library / Studio Kalamar

National and University Library / Studio Kalamar - Image 15 of 4
Courtesy of Studio Kalamar

Designed by Studio Kalamar, the proposal for the National and University Library in Ljubljana, Slovenia connects itself to the urban fabric of the square in a clear, but quiet fashion. As the dynamic volume mimics the dynamic surrounding environment, an atrium is created between, thus introverting the urban energies into a peaceful atmosphere appropriate for studying, which is surrounded by a cloister, vertically repeated four times. The program is comprised of four program units: free access library, storage and archive facilities, work units – expert library services, and the archaeological heritage of Roman Emona. Emona lies beneath the surface level, so the three remaining units are used as the base for volume composition. More images and architects’ description after the break.