Education is a form of absorbing and inculcating knowledge, of which learning is an integral part. Over the years, education has evolved into a system and has been organized and re-written innumerable times to a point where it has now it is majorly constrained to classroom teaching focused on academic learning.
The idea of hands-on experience and vocational training is still not a vital part of the curriculum for the majority of the schools and educational systems around the world. The ability of self-learning and creative thinking are automatically curbed due to this method of teaching, making education, not at par with the current requirement set. The need for cognitive, technological, social and emotional skills is growing, while physical, manual and basic cognitive skills will decline.
Is the curriculum and physical environment of school preparing the children for this?
Brief: To address the transition in the curriculum from only academic-oriented learning to one that infuses an innovative model, the physical built environment needs an upgrade. The challenge here is to design a high school where space itself instigates this ideology.
Launch December 5, 2019
Registration closes: April 18th 2020
Submission Deadline: April 28th 2020
Public Voting begins: May 08th 2020
Public Voting ends: May 29th 2020
Result Announcement: June 08th 2020
Prize pool of worth 20,000$
First Prize: 5000$ (For students and professionals)
Runner Up: 6 x 1100$ (For students and professionals)
People’s Choice: 4 x 600$ (Open for all)
Honorable Mention x 12: 500$ Each
Download the information related to this competition here.
School Of Thought - School that redefines learningType
Competition Announcement (Ideas)Website
UNYTRegistration Deadline
April 18, 2020 11:59 AMSubmission Deadline
April 28, 2020 12:00 AMPrice