P02 Apartment / Comma Studio

P02 Apartment / Comma Studio - Interior Photography, Table, LightingP02 Apartment / Comma Studio - Image 3 of 20P02 Apartment / Comma Studio - Image 4 of 20P02 Apartment / Comma Studio - Interior Photography, Kitchen, Table, Chair, CountertopP02 Apartment / Comma Studio - More Images+ 15

  • Architects: Comma Studio
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  78
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2018
  • Photographs
    Photographs:Quoc Thanh, Nhat Trung
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Aconcept, An Cuong Wood, Hafele, KINGLED, Vietceramics
  • Lead Architects: Quoc Thanh
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P02 Apartment / Comma Studio - Interior Photography, Kitchen, Table, Chair, Countertop
Courtesy of Comma Studio

Text description provided by the architects. In this renovation project, we tried to control the integration of private and common space within the apartment in a flexible way, in the effort of giving the clients a better condition of living and sharing the space between each member of their 4 members family. The structure of the existing space contains a big volume for the kitchen, dining and living area which spreads out from the entry to the main balcony of the apartment, and the two adjacent bedrooms connect to this main space by two swing doors.

P02 Apartment / Comma Studio - Image 12 of 20
Courtesy of Comma Studio
P02 Apartment / Comma Studio - Interior Photography, Chair, Beam
Courtesy of Comma Studio

We felt that this composition leads to the isolation of the resting space in terms of spatial interaction and obstruct the unique appearance of the whole apartment. We then started the design with the thought of a change in the center of the apartment where all space around be linked together in order to re-configure the whole space. We decided to locate there an integrated wall-cabinet that serves as a focal element running through all the common – private spaces, giving to the apartment a unique appearance.

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Besides, it also benefits each of the areas by offering multiple functions such as storage space, display niches and hidden-folding element… on its surface. Following this design direction, the swing doors of the two bedrooms are replaced with the full height sliding doors in order to get more flexible in controlling the open/close state of the private spaces.

P02 Apartment / Comma Studio - Interior Photography, Bedroom, Bed
Courtesy of Comma Studio

When these doors are opened, they are completely hidden behind the walls and other furniture elements on both of their sides, giving the sense that the private zone are merged in to the common zone, all the interactions between these space are brought up & there is no more division between different space within the apartment.

P02 Apartment / Comma Studio - Image 3 of 20
Courtesy of Comma Studio

The elements that define the center of the apartment are featured with the light gray-green paint as the color of the rosemary leaf - the favorite color of the client. It is mixed with the grey, warm wooden tone & natural light giving a calm and airy space. After renovation, beside the existing main circulation of the apartment which is as a straight way goes along with the common space as before, there is now a “sub” circulation along the featured wall that connects the entire space together.

P02 Apartment / Comma Studio - Image 4 of 20
Courtesy of Comma Studio

By defining this new circulation, we located a bunk bed in the small bedroom, with a curtain for keeping its privacy when needed, and give the access to the small balcony of the apartment to everybody, which is somehow limited with the old layout of the apartment.

P02 Apartment / Comma Studio - Interior Photography, Bedroom, Bed
Courtesy of Comma Studio

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Project location

Address:458 Minh Khai, Hai Ba Trưng District, Hà Nội, Vietnam

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Location to be used only as a reference. It could indicate city/country but not exact address.
About this office
Cite: "P02 Apartment / Comma Studio" 08 Nov 2018. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/904340/p02-apartment-comma-studio> ISSN 0719-8884

Courtesy of Comma Studio

P02 公寓 / Comma Studio

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