The Ville de Montréal (city of Montreal) wishes to source the most innovative and creative ideas for the permanent construction of Place des Montréalaises, a new public space adjacent to Champ-de-Mars métro station, including a pedestrian overpass.
The city has determined that a priority urban project would be the repurposing of the areas bordering the Ville-Marie Expressway, grouping a number of works under the term “Projet Secteur Champ-de-Mars.” This project aims to define an attractive, high-quality urban frame that repairs the cut made to the area by the construction of the Ville-Marie Expressway trench in the 1970s. In so doing, the city aims to restore ties between the historic city and its former faubourgs and to enhance the high-quality network of public spaces from Square Victoria to Square Viger.
The new public place will be built atop the covering slab installed by the MTMDET (Québec ministry of transport), above the Montréal métro tunnel, and around their periphery.
This competition is:
- a multidisciplinary landscape architecture competition;
- international in scope;
- held in two stages: the first consisting of anonymous proposals, and the second consisting of service offerings prepared by a maximum of five jury-selected finalists;
- a project competition leading to implementation.
Some numbers from the competition budget:
- $86,975, plus taxes: lump-sum payment to a maximum of five finalists to expand on their proposals
- $5,790,000, plus taxes: maximum amount to be paid to the winner in professional service fees
- $34,080,000, plus taxes: construction budget for the public place and the new pedestrian overpass
Stage 1
All competitors are invited to submit a proposal: a preliminary spatial planning concept that conveys their vision of the project and its mission, in accordance with the competition objectives.
The jury will select up to five finalist proposals. This first stage is anonymous and unpaid.
Stage 2
The finalists are asked to expand on their concept and publicly present a service offering to the jury. At the conclusion of this stage, which is paid, the jury will recommend a winner. All finalists must attend a mandatory individual information meeting with the Ville de Montréal.
Competitors (Stage 1): No fees or allowances will be paid at this stage of the competition.
Finalists (Stage 2): Each Finalist who presents a service offering deemed to meet the competition rules will receive a lump sum of $86,975, plus taxes.
Winner: The maximum budget for the winner’s professional fees is $5,790,000, plus taxes (including fees paid for stage 2).
Interested competitors must obtain the competition documents through the electronic tendering system (SÉAO) (link available on competition's webpage).
All communications must be e-mailed to the professional consultant at concours.placedesmontrealaises@gmail.com
*Amounts are in CDN$.
International Multidisciplinary Landscape Architecture Competition - Place des MontréalaisesType
Competition Announcement (Built Projects & Masterplans)Website
Submission Deadline
September 26, 2017 12:00 PMVenue
Place des MontréalaisesPrice