The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has announced the 2014 International Fellowships of the RIBA. RIBA International Fellowships reward the particular contributions non-UK architects have made to architecture.
The RIBA’s 2014 International Fellowships will be awarded to:
- Alberto Campo Baeza (Spain) - Architect and academic
- Fernando Márquez Cecilia + Richard Levene (Spain) – Architects, Publishers (El Croquis), Editors and Curators
- Herman Czech (Austria) - Architect
- Luis Fernández-Galiano (Spain) – Architect, writer and curator
- Marcel Meili/ Markus Peter (Switzerland) - Architects
- Max Risselada (Netherlands) - Architect, author, curator, editor, educator
- Luigi Snozzi (Switzerland) – Architect
- Tod Williams + Billie Tsien (USA) – Architects
The lifetime honor allows recipients to use the initials Int FRIBA after their name.
The 2014 RIBA International Fellowships will be awarded at a special event at the RIBA, 66 Portland Place, London, W1 on 25 February 2014.
News via RIBA.