The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) and the Green Skills for Cities partnership are delighted to announce the Call for Papers for the biennial international symposium, Responsive Cities 2023, a global platform to experiment and rethink urban environments in response to today’s global challenges.
Building upon the success of previous editions, we invite researchers, practitioners, scholars and innovators from various disciplines to contribute to the 2023 symposium, centered around the theme of "Collective Intelligence Design".
Responsive Cities 2023 Symposium seeks to delve into the emerging paradigm of collective intelligence in the processes of city making. As cities continue to evolve in complexity and interconnectedness in the context of the climate emergency, embracing new forms of intelligence that go beyond human perspectives becomes the cornerstone for the future of urbanity.
Collective Intelligence Design promotes an emerging collective intelligence paradigm that empowers the applications of co-creation, following generative processes of both the living and the machine.
This post anthropocentric approach highlights a unique combination of crowd wisdom and artificial intelligence that, together with other forms of intelligences including animal, vegetable, or microbial, marks a significant milestone in the creation of our future green cities.
By embracing new forms of intelligence in design, architecture and cities can transcend anthropocentric perspectives and cultivate a new ecological, technological but also cultural paradigm of inhabitation where inclusivity lies in its core. This shift recognizes that cities are alive and dynamic ecosystems interconnected with the natural world, while acknowledging the interdependencies among humans, non human, cultural and technological others.
The Responsive Cities 2023 Symposium invites submissions of original research papers, case studies, and innovative projects that align with the theme of Collective Intelligence Design. The Symposium and Call for Papers is organized around the following topics:
METABOLIZE & DECARBONIZE – resource flows | microbial intelligence | nature-based solutions
CO-DESIGN & LIVING – qualitative data | crowd wisdom and community engagement | non human intelligence
ADAPT TO CLIMATE & PERFORM – synthetic ecologies| simulating | predicting
MATERIALIZE & BUILD – material intelligence | circular feedback loops | fabricate
Extended Abstract Submission: 5th September 2023
Selection of participants: 9th October 2023
Deadline for full paper: 31st October 2023
Symposium dates: 27th-28th November 2023
The proposals must without exception be drafted in English.
The paper submission will take place in two stages. The first stage will include a submission of an extended abstract that will be subject to a blind peer review process. Those abstracts selected will be invited to submit the final paper as part of the second stage and will receive the submission details.
Extended Abstracts Details:
Extended abstracts should have 1500 to 2500 words. They should include the following information: title, abstract, keywords, session that best fits into (metabolize & decarbonize, co-design & living, adapt to climate & perform, materialize & build), main text (introduction, methodology, findings/conclusions) and references. Extended abstracts should also contain figures, tables, and/or images, which are not included in the word count. References are not included in the word count. Author/s and affiliation should not be included in the extended abstract submission, as they will be subject to a blind peer review process.
Please upload your extended abstract as a single Word (.doc or .docx) and .pdf document using the template provided by 5th September 2023.
Submission Link: https://apply.iaac.net/applications/view.php?id=144515
Copyright: all parts of the submitted materials (including text and photographs), must either be authored by the person/people submitting, or they must have the rights to use and publish them.
Extended abstracts will undergo blind peer reviews and those accepted will be invited to submit a paper. Submission of extended abstracts implies the author’s agreement to publish the extended abstracts and paper in the conference proceedings publication, including the website.
All contributions will be collected in a digital publication with an ISBN code.
Senior 450,00 € / Junior 300,00 € (VAT included)
Note: over 40 are considered Senior (details on payment method will be given to all selected authors) The fee also includes the participation to the social dinner for one person.
* Note the Symposium is free to attend. The fees are solely for the call for papers.
If you have any specific question about this Call, do not hesitate to contact us at rc.symposium@iaac.net
Download the information related to this competition here.
Call for Submissions: Responsive Cities 2023 // Collective Intelligence Design Call for PapersType
Call for SubmissionsWebsite
Submission Deadline
September 05, 2023 11:30 PMVenue
Design Hub BarcelonaPrice
Payment upon selection of paper, see description